The Tool. // StarSeeker

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Harry was the unknown and often ignored second son of Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy. He wasn't necessarily wanted at first, but as he aged, he turned into something useful in his father's eyes.
He became a tool to win the Malfoys favors, inside the Ministry, as well as with the Dark Lord.
But his time of use is drawing near its end, what will happen to Harry now?


aye here are some things.
harry is 16 in this fic, regulus is 36-ish
that is a 20 age difference, get over it or choose not to read.
kind of has darkish themes that are laced in the work? read at your own risk
the ending is kind of rushed i guess

Harry was the unknown and often ignored second son of Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy, born a year after their proclaimed heir, Draco.

On July 31, 1981, Harrison Saiph Malfoy, was born. Lucius refused to put much thought into Harry's name as he did Draco's, seeing as Harry would never be the Heir to the Malfoy line.

The birth of Harry was an accident in all honesty. The Malfoy's didn't have a wish for another son after they were given Draco. But, once they found out Narcissa was pregnant again, Lucius felt it would look bad if they got rid of the unwanted pregnancy, even if they kept it quiet.

Harrison was born with midnight hair and tan skin that was known to be inherited by his Black lineage, but his startling green eyes were simply a mystery. With Lucius and Narcissa both having light eyes, they honestly didn't know where his vibrant eyes came from. He stood out quite well from the family to say the least.

Even though Lucius was less than pleased by Harry's birth, he knew there was something Harry could be good for. But this idea didn't come to him for a few years.

Harry was eleven when Lucius had his realization.

Lucius was insistent that Harry was not allowed to attend Hogwarts. The youngest Malfoy was to be homeschooled even though he received a letter, and seeing as Draco was made heir, it was only proper he wasn't shadowed by a little brother who could damage certain connections that are destined to happen.

"Is there something wrong, Harrison?" Lucius asked when he noticed his son seemed to be lingering in Lucius's office longer than usual after his tutoring.

Harry jumped at his father's voice, he didn't think his actions would be found out so soon.

A blush started to form on the boy's face as he played with the hem of the jumper he insisted on wearing all the time, "Um," Harry walked over to stand in front of Lucius's desk, looking down at his feet rather than at his father, "I think there is something wrong with me, father."

Lucius wasn't sure if he heard the boy right, he was talking so soft, "Why do you think that?"

"Is... is it ok not to like girls?" He paused to stop his fidgeting with his jumper, "Draco said I was a freak when I asked him," Harry said, slowly looking up at his father through his lashes, "Draco was teasing me when Pansy and Blaise came over before they went back to Hogwarts, saying the reason I was being shy was because of Pansy, but that wasn't the reason!" Harry fretted, "Pansy's nice to me and really pretty, but I don't like her like her, I-I was shy because of Blaise was being nice to me, and Draco called me a freak because of it."

Lucius felt bad for his son, knowing how harsh Draco was to him in front of his friends.

"Plus I'm not very strong... or tall," Harry sighed, "a girl would never like me anyways." He added.

The grin Lucius was giving his son was almost sinister. Harry wasn't a complete loss after all.

"There is nothing wrong with not liking girls, there are many other people I know who like boys like you like boys," Harry's face instantly brightened at his father's words, "Is that what you were worried about? That there was no one else like you?"

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