Whole and Happy // Tomarry

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"I love you too," Harry said, voice cracking. "Will you be okay when I'm gone? I want you to be happy, Tom. That worries me the most."

"Darling," Tom murmured, "how could anyone be happy with you gone? It would be comparable to waking up, only to realize that the sun had gone missing from the sky, and is never going to come back."

The tears finally escaped, and Harry jabbed Tom in the side with a finger. "Sap," he mumbled, trying to hide the way his voice trembled.

"Only for you," Tom replied.

Harry gazed out the window, not focusing on anything in particular. It was cloudy out; the clouds dark and ominous. A storm was brewing.

Tom had fallen asleep in the chair he had pulled up beside the bed, with his head on Harry's thigh. Harry had been careful not to wake him when he sat up a while ago.

He knew Tom was exhausted. He worked tirelessly to keep them both under a roof, fed, and to get enough money to buy medicine to keep Harry alive. For just a bit longer.

There were days where Harry wondered if it would be better for Tom if Harry just died.

Harry was selfish, though. He did not want to die. That would mean leaving Tom. He wanted to stay with Tom for just a little longer.

And when he finally took his last breath, Harry hoped Tom would finally get a chance to take a break. He deserved a long one.

"Harry?" Tom mumbled, voice thick with sleep. Harry looked down, smiling slightly at Tom, who was peering up at him with one eye.

"Yes, love?" he said softly, running his fingers through Tom's hair. He felt Tom relax, pressing his cheek further against Harry's thigh.

"I love you." Tom moved a hand up, taking Harry's hand away from his head and twining their fingers together.

Harry squeezed his hand. His own felt fragile and thin. Tom's was much bigger and stronger than his. That was good. He wanted Tom to be strong and healthy, even after Harry was gone. "I love you too."

Oh, how he loved Tom.

Tom pressed a kiss to Harry's hand, still locked together with his own, then rested his cheek back on Harry's thigh. His eyes were once more shut, and he was relaxing.

After a few minutes, his breathing evened out, signaling that he had fallen asleep. Harry kept their hands entwined, enjoying Tom's warmth.

Lately he had been feeling a bit cold. He hoped Tom would be there to keep him warm when he was dying. It would be comforting.

Tom rested his cheek on Harry's thigh, staring at his darling's peaceful face.

Harry was growing thinner, Tom noted. That wasn't good. Tom would have to work harder, and feed Harry more.

It wasn't enough. It was never enough.

Harry wouldn't get better. His darling would wilt away, like the small flower garden outside that Tom had abandoned when Harry had become bedridden months ago with a sickness no one could name. All of Tom's efforts would be in vain.

He resisted the urge to break down. Tom wouldn't. He couldn't. He had to stay strong for Harry.

Keep moving. Keep working. Keep Harry alive for as long as possible.

Tom was tired. He wished he could sleep for days, but he couldn't. He had no time to spare.

He closed his eyes. A short nap wouldn't hurt. He needed to keep his strength up for Harry.

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