DaithiDeNogla - Long distance

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Y/n's POV

I finished work. Right now I'm suppose to Skype David.. Like in 10 minutes.

And I live far away from work. So, I might be able to get there in time. Especially I walked to work.

I ran, and ran, not giving up. I finally made it to my place in 8 minutes. I took off my jacket, I took off my shoes, slipping on the wooden floor. I groaned and got up fast "Shit!" I heard my laptop ringing, signalling that someone is calling me on Skype.

I ran to my laptop. Answering it no time, "Hello my darling." I hear my 2 year boyfriend who lives across the world from me.

This is the long distance relationship.

"Hi." I said out of breathe, my chest rising and falling fast, "Woah, did you run a marathon?" He chuckled, backing up, holding his hands in the air for surrender.

I chuckled "Yeah first place." I laughed and he chuckled, "Your kidding?" I nodded and face planted my hand.

"So, what's up babe?" He asked, with a huge grin. I smiled back.

"Well, first, I worked for 8 hours and stood on my feet throughout the day. Second, I forgot we had to Skype today and I ran for my life to get my ass here." I said

"You?" His grin turned into a smirk, "I'm thinking of coming on your birthday. You don't mind right?" I giggled, my heart beating faster by being nervous and anxious. I blushed and hid my face so he wouldn't she me.

"I don't mind."

My birthday is in a four days and I actually can't wait, since David is coming.

"So, I think I'll go pack. It takes my centuries to pack." "Okay, well later! I love you." I smiled "I love you too princess." That gave me butterflies and it affected my body with full of love.

I can't wait. He is coming, face-to-face, like FINALLY! We stopped the call and I jumped around "YES YES YES" I yelled in happiness.

I stopped realizing that my neighbours might be able to hear me. I covered my mouth and giggled "At least I'll have company here." I always lived alone, I don't usually like people living with me. Hey! Daithi is special.

David and I met on Skype. Well I was suppose to skype my friend but I guess I pressed a wrong number. Once I did, David showed up. It's been 2 years that we met and he asked me out, so now we have a long distance relationship. I live in Canada and of course he lives in Ireland.

-Four Days Later-

Four days had past. I'm really nervous. My first birthday wish was from David saying 'I love you. I can't wait to see youxxx' which made me blush.

Now it has been 3 hours that I've been feeling this. I went for a walk and went to go eat breakfast. Nothing is working. I know, this is a feeling where of anxious and nervousness. I can't wait but I never really like the feeling of this.

I'll have to deal with it for now. I sighed and flopped on the couch "What should I do?"

I got a text

David - Im leaving now! Text you when ever xox<3 ~David

I smiled and my fingers was pressing the screen on the keyboard for me to type something.

Y/n - Okay love xox ~Y/n

I turned on the tv and threw my phone somewhere. I end up watching The Avengers, I laughed at the hilarious parts. Once the movie was finished I checked  my phone for any notifications or messages. My phone was the plain old background picture.

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