Chapter 1: The Visit

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    It was a quiet night. The moon hung high in the inky black sky, drifting behind the clouds and casting shadows on the earth below. There was a garden, filled with the most beautiful plants you could ever see. A fountain stood amongst the flora. It was all enclosed in a huge gate with the Mikaelson crest at the entrance. A huge castle stood in the middle. Vines clung to its ancient stone bricks and the flora and trees grew in a ring around it in abundance. Guards on their night shift stood watch over the castle.
    Inside, Hope Mikaelson carefully snuck out of the library, clutching a book to her side, being careful as to not wake anyone. She wasn't allowed to be out this late. But she was the Princess, the heir to the throne. She was more than capable of taking care of herself. Hope still decided to be stealthy as to avoid another lecture from her Aunt Freya, the Dutchess of the French Quarter.
     She returned to her bedroom and made her way to her bed, when something caught her eye. A note was left on her bedside table.

I offer you a deal in the dungeons below. A deal that will offer you fortunes untold. You will accept it, if you are  wise. Met me at the dungeons when the clock strikes midnight
~ N. M

       She reads it through about five times.
'Who could this be?' She thought. At first, Hope had the impression that it was her Aunt Freya testing her obedience, but as she lay down for a few minutes, she had the feeling it was someone else. She sighed and got out of bed and headed for the dungeons. Did she think she was stupid to listen to a note she didn't know who sent? Yes. Did she think she  was going to die? Probably. But did that stop her? No.
     She reached the dungeon's huge metal door. It was cold to the touch. Hope winced as it loudly creaked open. It was dark. The only source of light she had was the eerie glow of the almost extinguished lantern she held. She walked up a bit. She remembered this place. Hope remembered how her father used to lock her here when he was angry.
      She remembered the time she found an 18 year old boy who had been locked in there for 6 years. She learned that he was her adopted older brother that her father took in after he learnt she wasn't a boy. He was furious and wanted a son to help him rule the kingdoms, but when Marcellus refused, he got angry and locked him away.
     "So you finally decided to come" she heard the familiar voice from the darkness, followed by footsteps. "Father" she growled. Hope mentally cursed herself she not recognizing the handwriting. "I thought you would've been happier to see me" his figure now coming into view. His hair was a dirty blonde and curly, his dark green eyes filled with mischief and his evil smirk came into view.
        " Happy? You abandoned me!" She shouted. "Well, i've come to fix that. I've come to ask you a favor."
Tears began to form in the young auburnette's eyes. "First, you abandon me and then you just waltz back in and ask me to do something for you?!?"
         "That is not the point, Hope! I came to ask you build my empire until everything is under my control. I promise you a part of my kingdom. You are my blood after all. All you have to do, for now, is kill Josette Saltzman." Hope ponders for a bit. She doesn't want yo kill anyone. She knows she wouldn't be able to live with that guilt, but she could also have the life she always wanted.
"I'll consider it" she sighs. "Good. You have 6 months" he smirks. She walks over to the dungeon door and pulls it. It's stuck. She keeps pulling. "Do you need help, littlest wolf?" "No. I am fully capable of taking care of myself, thank you very much" she says proudly, still failing to open the door.
"I guess you are your father's daughter" he chuckles darkly.

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