Chapter 2: The Parntership

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    The young auburnette woke up to the sound of her aunt Freya's voice. "Hopey. It's time to wake up". She groaned as she rolled out of bed, then got ready.

She said goodbye to her family and slung her bag over her back. Then, she mounted Night Wind, her black and white appaloosa horse and rode to Yousef Academy for Young Royals. The strap of her bag began to painfully dig into her shoulder as she rode, but soon enough, she arrived. Hope left Night Wind in the stable and  walked inside of the building. Her ears immediately filled with the chatter of young supernatural royals like her. Except they weren't. Hope was a tribrid. The tribrid. The most powerful being in the universe and the only one of her kind.
       Hope was always bullied for it growing up, which cause more than a few casualties growing up, as she was also part faye. Faye have the tendency to be very short tempered, but extremely friendly once you're kind to them, and are proud. They also have healing powers and can be identified by their slightly pointed ears. Hope was the last faye. Her kind was killed by hunters, only her and her mother survived, that was until she died of the plague when she was 7.
       The princess gathered her books from her locker and went to her next class, Study of Magical Plants. She sat to the back in the corner, hiding herself among the taller students, in hopes the teacher wouldn't notice her to answer questions. She was quite shy. Who would've known the all powerful tribrid had social anxiety? Soon, a sea of students filed into the class and filled up the seats, except the one next to her.
         They treated her like she was some kind of infectious disease. But she didn't mind though. "Good morning everyone. Your test results are back and-" the teacher was interrupted by the door swinging open. "Good morning, Professor Vardemus. Sorry for being late" said a young brunette. "That's quite alright Princess Josette. Please, have a seat" he brushed her off.
          Brown eyes scanned the room until they fell on the chair next to Hope. Her eyes flickered to the auburnette's blue ones. She rolled her eyes and sat down. "Morning tribrid freak" she spat out and Hope just nodded her head in acknowledgement as the professor continued. "As i was saying, your test results are in. The highest grade with 100% was Princess Hope Mikaelson". Slow and unenthusiastic claps scattered throughout the classroom. "And close behind her with 99.5%, Princess Josette Saltzman" She saw the brunette cast her a jealous glare out of the corner of her eye.
       Josie tormented her, her whole life, yet the mere thought of hurting her made her sick to her stomach. Taking anyone's life would do that, to think you just wasted the potential they had, to steal away someone from the people who love them. But still, if she went through with it she would have everything. It wasn't that simple though. You see, Hope had feelings for the other heir. Josie did too and Hope knew this. They would share secret moments; holding each other's hands, stealing glances every now and then, and the next day they would pretend it never happened.
         Deep down, it hurt the Mikaelson heir, but she was practically immune to sadness at this point. "Today, i will assign you a project. You are to hand me in a 2 page essay on wolfsbane by next month. It is worth 50% of your grade. And yes, it will be a group project". The class groaned in protest. Vardemus held up a hand to silence them. "The groups are; Duke Ethan and Earl Landon. Dutchess Maya and Princess Elizabeth. Baroness Dana and Marchioness Finch. Viscount Kaleb and Duke Milton. And finally Princess Josette and Princess Hope"
         The auburnette raised her hand in protest and rolled her eyes when Vardemus ignored her. The rest of her day was rather uneventful, other than her aunt Freya packing her beignets for lunch and Josie shooting glares at her everytime a teacher announces she got the highest grade in class. The day finished and she went to get Night Wind from the stable when she sensed someone behind her. She turned around and her blue eyes met the beautiful chocolate brown ones. "I came to ask when we are going to start the project" Josette explains, but Hope could tell that wasn't the real reason. "Tomorrow, after school at the lake" Hope said but it sounded more likea question. Josie nodded and disappeared.

Rival HeartsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora