Chapter 4: Love Affair

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"CHECKMATE" Hope shouted, thrusting her hands in the air and almost knocking down the chess board. "That's not fair. You cheated!" Marcel exclaimed. "Did not!" The hair defended. "Hey, what's going on?" Kol says as he walks into the room. "Hope cheated". "No, he's making accusations!" Hope retaliated. "Alright, Alright. That's enough, both of you. Now hug it out" the man sighs. Hope huffs, hugs her brother, then sits back down, still pouting.
     Soon, Freya walks in and everyone stands and straightens out their clothes. It's just the type of thing you would do when she's present. "Hope, you have a guest" the blonde says as Josie appears at the doorway. "Oh. I forgot. Hello, Josie. Follow me" Hope takes Jo by her hand and takes her upstairs. Hope's room was circular in shape and had a huge fourposter bed. She also had a bookshelf. Josie could tell she liked to read. There was a canvas with an unfinished painting of a woman. She had long brown hair and hazel eyes.
       She looked just like Hope. "Wow. Did you paint this?" Josie finally broke the silence. "Yeah. That's my mother" the auburnette practically whispered. "She's beautiful" Josie smiled. "Yes. She was" Hope sighed. "Was?" Jo inquired. "She passed from the plague when i was 7" Tears began to Hope's eyes. "I-I'm so sorry Hope" the brunette used the side of her thumb to wipe the tears that were now running down Hope's face. "It's ok" Josie keeps her hand on Hope's face.
       She begins to lean in. Their lips connect briefly before Josie pulls away. Hope whines in protest."Project" she whispers into the other girl's ear. "We can do that some other time. We have a month" The auburnette connects their lips again. Her tongue enters Josie's mouth as their tongues fought for dominance, which the Mikaelson heir quickly won. Hope gently pushes Josie against the wall. Jo's lips tasted like strawberries. The Saltzman girl now had her hands tangled in Hope's hair.
         Hope's hand was on Jo's waist. She pulled her closer, closing the small gap between them. She gently bites Josie's bottom lip, eliciting a small moan from the girl. Hope disconnects their lips and began placing open mouth kisses on the other girl's jaw and travels down to her neck. She sucks on Josie's pulse point, making her moan. Hope loves that sound so much. It's her favorite thing. Josie's hands are on Hope's back, her nails digging crescent shape marks into her skin. Hope swears she heard the other girl whisper 'i love you'.
         Suddenly the door swings open. "Hope do you- oh, hello there" Rebekah says grinning evilly. The two girls embarrassedly disconnect their bodies. "H-hi" Josie looks down. "Don't worry, dear. I don't bite. Well, i will leave you two to that, then" the blonde closes the door. "Umm are you hungry?" Hope asks and Josie nods. Hope takes Josie's hand bashfully, and they both head down to the kitchen.
Josie takes this time to take in how beautiful Hope is. Her eyes are a beautiful light blue. Her auburn hair falls into waves on her shoulder and perfectly frames her face. She has pale  skin and her cheeks are scattered with freckles. She's wearing a beautiful red dress that ties everything together. She's an angel, but she does have a bit of the devil in her eyes.

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