Chapter 3: By the lake

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     Another school day went by and it was finally Friday. Hope went to the lake to meet Josie. Sure enough, she was there, laying out her books. The auburnette quietly took a seat next to her. "Took you long enough" Josie rolls her eyes. Hope glances at her watch "I'm ten minutes early" she says confused. "Yeah, well i've been waiting here for 20 minutes!" Josie shouts. "Well that's not my fault!" Hope retaliated. "I don't get it! What is your problem?"
       "What's my problem? You're the one who keeps making me fall for you more and more then pretending like nothing ever happened!" She argued.
Josie didn't respond. She just looked at her with those beautiful brown eyes. "Aren't you going to say something?" Hope asks. "Project" the brunette replies.
       "Oh, yeah. Right" she says. She pulls her paper out of her bag and gets ready to write. "I tried to look up on wolfsbane, but i couldn't find anything.." Josie says. "Here, you write. And i'll tell you. I know quite a lot about wolfsbane" Hope hands her the pen and paper. "Wolfsbane only grows in cold, dark places. It is usually used as a poison for wolves, but can be used to make a number of potions, such as...." she waits for Josie.
         "Sleeping Draught, Cure for wolf bites and Wolf transition blockers" the Saltzman heir finishes. "Yeah. Oh! I forgot i brought some wolfsbane, so i can show you the effects" Hope says, pulling a vial out of her bag. It's filled with a silvery substance. "Watch this" Hope says and Josie looks in curiosity. Hope uncapped the vial and poured a bit onto her own hand. She winces a bit as it seers her pale skin. "Hope! Why would you do that? You absolute idiot" she grabs Hope's hand.
        "No, it's fine. I'm part faye, it'll heal. Look" Hope says as her wound quickly closes. She hands Josie the bottle and she closely inspects it. It slips out her hand and shatters on a rock. Josie apologizes profusely for it and tries to clean it up. "It's alright, Jo" she says. Josie's feels a blush creeping up her neck and to her cheeks. She's so distracted by Hope's use of the nickname that she accidently cuts herself on a glass shard from the vial.
         She gasps in pain. "Jo! Are you ok?! Here, give me your hand" She takes Josie's hands and places it between her's. A bright glow shines through the spaces between hers and Hope's fingers. The stinging pain quickly reduces to nothing and when she pulls away her hand, it's perfectly healed. Josie looks at Hope. They stay staring it each other's eyes for a few minutes. They both can feel the heavy blush on their cheeks. Hope slowly moves forward, placing a quick and chaste kiss on Josie's pouty lips. "How about we finish the project at my place?" Hope asks. "Yeah. That would be great"

(Sorry for the short chapter♡)

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