Chapter 12: Pink Tulips

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     It was the second month of the year. Hope sat in the plain boring classroom of The Study of Non-Magic Folk. "Ok class, this year we will be participating in a human-folk holiday which is called 'Valentine's Day'. Can anyone tell me about this" Ms. Adoni asked. Hopes hand shot up. "It's a holiday where they give gifts to their loved ones and show the importance of love". MG turns to Hope "It's a little cringe, dont you think?", even though the auburnette knew he was dying to gift Lizzie something.

       Hope was busy thinking of what to get Jo, making the days go by like seconds. She sees the brunette walking with her friends at the corner of her eyes. Not getting a chance to talk to her for a couple days, Hope excitedly walks towards her. "Hey Jo, can we talk for a sec?" She taps her on the shoulder. "Hold up Mikaelson. Don't touch her, we wouldn't want your disgusting tribrid germs all over her, now would we?" Finch says, followed by chuckles from the others. Hope waited for Josie to say something, anything, but she didn't.

     "Y'know Finch, I really wasn't talking to you. And please, get better insults, your friends are getting tired of laughing at the dry roasts you keep telling everyone" Hope folds her arms. "Shut up, Mikaelson" she snarls. "Getting angry now, are we? You can fake having friends but you can't fake class" the blue eyed girl snaps around and walks away, shooting a glare at Josie as she leaves.

    It was Valentine's Day. The halls were filled with pink and red decorations and couples kissing. It was all making her feel slightly sick. Most people left their lockers unlocked, hoping to find that a secret admirer had snuck a love note or perhaps some flowers inside. As soon as Hope's locker opened, a sea of notes from various hopeful students came pouring out. Hope, being too lazy to manually look through, she uttered an incantation that would sift through, searching for that letter Hope oh so desperately wanted. When there was none, she sighed and decided to continue on with her day.
       In the middle of the hallway, Finch stood with her hands in Josie's. "Here, Jo. I know roses are your favorite" she says, thrusting them into the brunette's hands. Hope chuckles to herself, watching Jo force a smile, knowing roses were her least favorite flower. Everyone began scurrying to their class as the bell rang, except Hope. Instead,  she waited until everyone left, the stuffed a bouquet of freshly picked pink tulips, the brown-eyed girl's actual favorite flower, into her locker along with a box of chocolate covered strawberry and a not that said;

I'm filled with comfort,
Looking into your brown eyes.
Your gentle gaze
Making me feel so warm inside.

Oh how your hair falls so perfectly
Your skin so soft and smooth
I speak the truth when i say
No one makes me feel this way but you

Jo's POV

    It was finally lunch. I headed to my locker to put my books away. To my surprise, i find my favorite flowers, along with chocolate covered strawberries and a note. My cheeks turned pink with every word i read. I shut my locker and jump seeing Hope next to me. "Sup Saltzman. Who's the letter from. Finch?" She smirks, leaning on the locker. "I know it's from you" i try to hide my smile. "Oh i know. You're smart" she tucks my hair behind my ear, and cupping my cheek, her lips meet mine.

Sorry for not updating, i wasn't doing too good. Hope you guys understand♡


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