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03 : you alright?

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03 : you alright?

    IT HAD BEEN THREE DAYS, since jimin had left. if jungkook was gonna be honest, he missed his best friend already.

   he had left the cabin too, and had arrived back at the mansion— which belonged to his boyfriend of course.

   "baby?" he heard a deep voice call out for him, jungkook smiled softly, and turned around, from the counter. now facing his lover.

   "are you alright?" taehyung asked, coming closer towards jungkook. they were in the kitchen; jungkooks back hitting the counter.

   "i-im fine." he replied, giggling. "doesn't seem like it." taehyung spoke, looking at the male in front of him in worry. "did something happen? are you feeling well?" he started questioning.

   jungkook nodded, "taehyung i'm fine. i just didn't get enough sleep, i'm sorry." he assured the older, smiling slightly. taehyung sighed, "take some rest, and don't apologize, your best friend left and it's probably hard for you, love" he whispered, looking away when he mentioned jimin.

   jungkook laughed, "seems like you're way sadder than me since jiminie left." he joked— but taehyung stopped smiling. his eyes darkening in a way, which scared jungkook.


"you should go." taehyung spoke, forcing a smile, jungkook gulped, "baby, are you o-okay?" he asked slightly worried. his boyfriends mood dropped really fast and he didn't know why. did he say something offensive?

"i'm fine darling, just don't— i mean, you should go rest, i'm leaving for work anyways, so i won't be here tomorrow until the evening." he said, changing topics.

jungkook slowly nodded, "o-okay." he muttered, looking down. "i-i'll wipe the c-counters and l-leave." smiled jungkook, taehyung frowned, "don't, i'll do it myself, darling. go to bed, your eyes are red." he whispered softly.

jungkook smiled, leaning in and kissing his lovers lips. as he let go, he walked towards the stairs, whispering a small goodnight to the other.

just as jungkook got upstairs, he rushed into his and taehyungs room, opening their drawers and taking out the diary he had found.

"i know this is bad— but i feel like i have to read this." he mumbled looking down at the diary in his hands. he had a feeling that the diary was somehow related to him, though he wasn't really sure. him and his imagination needed help for sure.

jungkook knew it wasn't good to read god knows who's diary without their permission. he was basically invading someone's privacy.

but what's the point when he doesn't even know who this diary belongs to? i mean, how was he supposed to even return it to its owner if he didn't know who the owner was?

the diary had no name written on it either, it was just a plain diary, with not many pages— as if it had been ripped.

sighing, jungkook heard the door close from downstairs, indicating that taehyung had probably left.

jungkook smiled slightly. he sat down on the bed of theirs, and opened up the diary. "sorry." he whispered, to absolutely no one.

jungkook knew he wouldn't find this diary very interesting, the owner of the diary probably just wrote some silly things.

  the younger was definitely going to tell his best friend about this.

he was sure jimin would gasp and feel sad because he wasn't with jungkook when he found the diary. jungkook giggled, at the thought. soon, he shook his head and opened the diary, moving to its first page.

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