four: past

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04 : the past

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04 : the past


JIMIN SMILED, looking at himself with the outfit he wore, today was the graduations after party. he was definitely going. however his best friend, jungkook, was not really a party person, and wasn't going.

jimin turned around, "you sure you're not going?" he asked, as he bit his lip hoping for his best friend to answer with a yes.

"yes, chim, i'm sure. you know i'm not a party person, and honestly, i rather stay home and sleep all day. graduations over, it's just a simple party." jungkook added smiling. jimin smirked, "alright. you have a point." he laughed, really happy.

jungkook snorted, "okay now leave! you'll be late." he whined, jimin giggled, "okay! i'll leave. chill." he laughed.

jungkook pushed his best friend out the door, "have fun, text me if you need anything or something okay?" he smiled, as jimin nodded, "got it sir." he giggled.

jungkook shook his head, "you're so silly."

  jimin shrugged, "you can't be talking." he rolled his eyes, before jimin turned around, jungkook stopped him.

"yeah?" answered jimin, confused. jungkook looked at him and smiled, "i love you hyung, thank you." he whispered, jimin froze, slowly smiling back, "i love you too." he replied, feeling guilty.

then jimin waved a bye to his best friend. he was thankful for him, but what he was going to do today, scared him a bit— especially after what jungkook said, jimin felt guilty.


     "WOAH, HEY CHIM!" exclaimed jin, rather happily, jimin waved, "hi hyung." he smiled. behind jin was a chaotic party. lights were changing their colours, loud music was on display, and in a distance you could see students dancing and drinking.

   "come in." jin smiled, jimin nodded excited.

   "guessing jungkookies not coming." jin started, as jimin nodded, "y'know, the usual, i don't party person." jin rolled his eyes, "he's cute like that. taehyungs lucky to have him." he smiled.

   jimins smile dropped, he didn't want to be reminded that taehyung and jungkook were together.

   "yeah, very lucky." jimin mumbled. looking away.

  jin nodded, "you can go ahead and party, im still waiting for some people. so don't mind me!" the elder exclaimed throwing his hands around the air.

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