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PAGE NINE (09).                   DEAR DIARY,

worst graduation ever.
my crush kissed kookie.
it hurt me so much, i couldn't handle
the pain. i felt numb.

why couldn't he kiss me? why him?
what did my best friend have that i
didn't? we were the same.

we grew up together and i wanted my crush first,
not my best friend! he likes someone else! :(
my crush even confessed to kookie. everyone saw. everyone clapped for them, and i still remember what he said, it wont leave my mind

"i like you koo, i really do. i've liked you the first day i saw you. i know this is so sudden, but will you be my boyfriend?" everyone was clapping, and kookie said yes.

instead of feeling happy i had to force a smile and act so happy. i hated the confession. i wish i was kookie, i couldn't handle the pain anymore, and left the graduation stage.

other than that we have a party for graduation,
kookie isn't coming for sure, he doesn't do parties. my crush will be there and since
kookie wont be coming

i might take advantage of that.

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