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PAGE THREE (03).                   DEAR DIARY,

oh my god. today, when i was walking
with my best friend, i saw him. a boy, with
pretty brown eyes, pale but tan skin, fluffy hair,
and a cute smile— just so perfect.

i never talked to him, but i saw him when i was once walking down by the hallways !! i didn't tell my best friend, kookie would gasp if i told him.

ive liked him for two months now. i really wanna
confess >< !! +
this reminds me of how my best friend
has liked this one boy for two years

he never told me who it was, but maybe one day we can both tell each other our crushes ^^

other than today, it was soooooo lame !!!!
i only enjoyed staring at him it felt like someone was staring at him too. i don't know. but in the end of the day, he will be mine. and i will be his.
no matter what happens, i will never stop loving him

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