We'll meet again

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Blue lights and flames, the smell of alcohol in the air, drunks fighting in the bar at Greed rings.

-"Okay girl, why are you so drunk?"- A tall shark demon said.

-"Uh!!! My parents asked me to marry the enemy!! I don't like it but I need to be responsible for my family."-You sighed and lamented to Mark, your best friend.

-"Oh? Since when did your family have to marry the enemy?"-Mark asked, a little puzzled.

-"My parents told me to do this because my family didn't have enough resources to fight the enemy but the funny thing is that they said they don't have enough resources, I can also help them with battles? Why don't they just let me help!! They train me but then they won't let me use my skills. Ridiculous ! Absolutely ridiculous!"- You whined, speaking in a sarcastic voice as your face contorted after drinking the beer in your hand.

-"Okay okay, don't drink anymore, you look quite drunk, and besides, if I were your parents I wouldn't let you join the fight."-Mark said.

-"Why?"- You raised an eyebrow at Mark.

-"I won't let this beautiful face show some scars~"- Mark said, smirking.

-"Bullshit" - You said, rolling your eyes and pouring more beer into the glass.
-"Enough girl" - Mark stopped you, holding your wrist to prevent you from pouring another drop of beer into the glass.

Suddenly a bullet broke your glass, Mark and you both startled and looked towards the bullet that flew out.

-"Damn it ,how did they find me?"- Mark said, looking at the big shark demon holding a gun towards him.

-"Found you? Damn Mark!! What the fuck did you get yourself into now??!!"-The voice became urgent.

-"I owe money to an organization, damn it!! Y/N please help me!! They'll kill me!!"-Mark's voice trembled as soon as he saw a few more shark demons sitting. got up and pulled out his gun, pointing it at him.

-"How much do you owe??"-You asked the shark demon in front of you, he was like a walking trouble.

-"Twenty thousand grand!"-said Mark.

-"20 thousand grand???!! Why the hell do you owe so much???!!!" - You almost shouted at Mark, turning to look at the shark demons standing opposite you.

-"Listen gentlemen, I'm very sorry that my friend didn't pay you in time, but please give him a few more days, he will arrange to pay you in full." - You try negotiate with the shark demons holding guns.

-"Our boss doesn't need the money anymore, he wants your friend's head."- The shark said in a low voice, still pointing his gun and Mark's forehead as if ready to kill you if you dare to interfere.

You sighed, pulled the knife from your lap belt and stood in front of Mark.

-"Sorry gentlemen, I can't let you succeed this time"-You lowered your voice, narrowed your eyes and entered a fighting stance.

The shark demon gritted his teeth and pulled the trigger, the bullet flew towards Mark but you reacted quickly and used the knife in your hand to cut the bullet in half before it hit Mark's forehead.

You rush towards the shark demons as they frantically shoot at you but you dodge them all, Mark quickly hides behind the bar.

You jump up and elbow the shark demon in the face causing him to fall to the side, you continue to somersault to the left, punch the shark demon in the face and jump up to dodge the bullet of the shark demon standing in the right , flip in the air and kick the right shark demon from the top .

You don't intend to kill them, you just want to buy time for Mark to escape, but they are madly attacking you, they want to kill you.

You use your sharp iron nails and pierce the skin of the shark demon's neck, pulling out his spine. Using his spine wraps the arm of the shark demon that you nudged to prevent him from shooting you and you throw the knife at the left shark demon's forehead, he falls dead with the dagger on top .

You pull the other shark demon close and turn around and kick him in the face repeatedly, as soon as he falls behind you immediately jump and bite his neck. Black blood splatters everywhere, he dies and you stand up, wiping the blood from your mouth.

You gasp , look around and look around and suddenly an imp demon stands up , he has sporting messy white hair , black and white horns , and yellow sclerae around his eyes are white markings with the right being larger than the left. He possesses a crooked and bent tail with white accents near the base and right on top of the fork. His attire consists of a red high-collar shirt that grips his neck, topped by a navy blue suit with light blue accents, thin red stripes, red buttons, and red lining.

He grits his teeth and looks at you as if you've just ruined his good deed, it's true that you've ruined his good deed.

You bent down to pick up the gun from the shark demon you ripped apart, pointing it at the imp demon in front of you.

If you kill him, there probably won't be any more trouble since he's dead anyway.

You pull the trigger and shoot at him before he pulls a knife from his vest and cuts the bullet in half.

You are surprised but still shoot a few more bullets towards him but that imp demon can still cut your bullets in half easily.

-"Damn it."-You whispered when no more bullets were fired, the gun was out of ammo.

The imp demon smirks and throws the knife at you, you dodge to the side but the knife still stabs your gun hand, damn it, how does he know which direction you're going to dodge? You let go of the gun and it fell, grabbing your hand and looking at the Imp in front of you, gritting your teeth and growling.

-"We'll meet again."-He said with an arrogant tone, smirking and leisurely leaving with the bodyguard behind.

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