We meet again , little doll

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-"MARK YOU FUCKING BASTARD!!!"-You yelled as soon as he completely left.

Mark emerges from the bar and scratch the back of his neck , look at you.

-"You owe me this time! , also, I won't help you again!! , what kind of person are you getting yourself into Mark??!!!" - You shouted at Mark, your hand still bleeding.

-'I'm sorry Y/N, it's true that I owe you this time, I won't let you into this trouble again, I'm really sorry and thank you for protecting me."-Mark said sincerely, walking towards you.

You didn't say anything, just winced as you pulled the knife out of your hand.

After being lightly bandaged by Mark, you and him left the bar, you went to your motorcycle and drove it away.

Arriving at your villa, you park your car in the garage and enter the house. Your house has a lot of shark demons standing guard, they are your family's bodyguards.

You had just walked upstairs when your father's assistant, Hank, spoke.

-"Boss and mistress have something to say to you in their room."- said Hank, hands still behind his back.
You just nodded and went to your parents' room door and knocked.

-"Come in."- said your father.

You sighed and opened the door, stepping into your mother's worried eyes.

-"Oh my gosh baby, what's wrong with you?!"- She said while looking at your injured hand.
-"I'm fine ma , just a small wound, you two need to talk to me?"- You said, sitting down across from your parents.
-"Tomorrow you will meet your fiancé, we will take you to his house and introduce each other."- Your father said sternly.
-"But dad, he used to have a wife and even a child!!"-You said, controlling your status so as not to scream.
-"It's not a big deal, it's okay. Besides, our family is not strong enough to continue the fight with him, so why not aim for a better solution that is peace?" - Your father said.
-"I don't want to marry him!! I don't even know what he looks like??? Just let me join the fight, I can help you!!"-You stood up and almost scream .
-"Watch your voice, little lady! YOU NEED TO BE RESPONSIBLE TO THIS FAMILY."-Your father raised his voice, stood up and pointed to your face as he spoke.

You say nothing, resistance is futile.

You just nodded and left.

After you closed the room door, you lay on the bed and sighed.

-"Bring her a first aid box and some warm water."-Your father snapped his fingers, ordering his butler as soon as you left.

The butler nodded and left to do as your father instructed.

One night passed, you woke up to find the wound on your hand was bleeding again, you winced and walked into the bathroom, your bedroom is quite spacious and has a private bathroom.

Entering the bathroom, you shower and change into a red dress with black lace on top, the sleeves are long enough to cover the wound on your hand, you bandage it and cover the bandage with your sleeve.

Out of the room and down to the living room, you see your parents waiting for you to go.

You and your parents get out of the villa, get into the limousine and drive to your fiancée's villa.

After driving for a while, the car dumped in front of a green two-story mansion, you and your parents got out of the car.

-"Oh Welcome!! Glad you all came."-A voice appeared from nowhere.

You reflexively turned your face towards the direction of the voice and froze to see that it was the boss of the criminal organization you met yesterday.

You just stood there motionless, not saying anything but then your dad patted you on the shoulder, you finally reacted, you and your dad went over and said hello to the Imp demon in front of you.

After the greeting, he leads your family and the living room, you sit on the sofa and listen to your father and him talking.

-"Thank you for taking the time to have a meeting."-your father said.
-"The honor belongs to me."- said the demon imp while pouring wine and giving it to your father.
-"Introduce to you , this is my daughter, Y/N."- Your father said as he put his hand on your shoulder, you were a little startled.
-"And what a beautiful rose she is."- You reached out to shake his hand but he kissed your hand instead.
-"Y/N, this is Crimson, your fiancé."-Your father introduced Crimson to you. As soon as you hear this sentence, your brain seems to slow down for a few seconds, fiancé...? But you still have to be polite.
-"Uh...hello Mr. Crimson, nice to meet you."-You withdrew your hand, hesitantly said.
-"Me too"-said Crimson, nodding and going back to his seat.
Your parents and Crimson talk a bit about this marriage before they leave and leave you alone with Crimson.
-"We meet again, little doll."-said Crimson, smirking.

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