First touch

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-"If you want to know what the house is like, I can show you."- Crimson said in a low voice.
-"uh...I don't need it, thanks, I think I've seen enough, I'm going to bed, goodnight."-As soon as you finished, you pushed Crimson's hand and ran away, back to your room .

Close the door and gasp from running too fast, lock the door and go to your bed, lie down and close your eyes.

To be honest, Crimson looks pretty hot when he's covered in blood and speaks in that deep voice....Oh damn you have to put this thought away, you need to concentrate, you have to kill Crimson, you want to kill but not the time.

Startled awake to the sound of knocking on the door, you tiredly sat up and got out of bed, went to and opened the door.

-"This is the suit that Mr. Crimson has prepared for you."-said Alessio, holding a dress and gloves are neatly folded together.

-"For the party tonight?"- You said in a snoring tone, taking the dress from Alessio's hand.

-"Breakfast is prepared, the boss is waiting for you, please be hurry."-Alessio said, putting his hands behind his back and standing to the side of the door.

You annoyedly closed the door, threw your dress on the bed and went to the bathroom to get ready.

-"Finally ready? Sleepyhead."-Crimson said, clasping his hands together and smirking, watching you slowly descend the stairs with Alessio.

-"Good morning....Crimson."-You said in an annoyed tone, sitting down on the chair that Alessio pulled out for you.

-"Good morning Y/N"-Crimson said, you and him had a meal together.

You and Crimson didn't say a word during the meal. After the meal, you do not rush into the room but instead continue to walk around the house, this villa has a very large yard, must admit that Crimson is really rich.

Finished walking around the house, you decide to go to the kitchen. Looking around and seeing no one, maybe everyone has left to commit another crime, you slowly open the kitchen door and enter.

The kitchen is quite spacious, you see there is a wine cabinet here, the house has 2 wine cabinets? Go ahead and take a closer look, there's a bottle of wine that's almost empty. It is probably the most used and this also means that Crimson likes this wine the most. You may not know the wine well, but you know a little.

Touching the glass, a simple plan appeared. Maybe you should find a suitable time , perhaps you could go into the kitchen and ask for help with Crimson 's wine glass , on the way to deliver the wine glass to Crimson , you would put poison in....Seems like a viable plan.

Leaving the kitchen and going back to your room, time passed and it was evening, you just came out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around you.

Put on a little makeup, spray on perfume and grab the dress, put it on, but the back zipper is a bit hard, it's hard to pull up.

There is a knock on the door and you turn your head to the door, where the sound is coming from.

-"Who's that?"-You asked, perhaps you'll need someone's help.

-"It's me, Crimson."- Crimson said through the door.
-"Are you ready?"-

-"Well um...."-You hesitated for a moment before finishing the sentence.

-"I think I need a little help...come in."-You said hesitantly.

Crimson opened the door and walked in, still wearing that suit.

-"I'm having a little trouble with the zipper, do you mind if you me pull it up?"- You said, holding the dress so it wouldn't fall off.

-"Very willing"- Crimson said with a smile and you turned around, Crimson came over and pulled the zipper up for you.

Now that you notice, you and Crimson are standing across from the makeup mirror.

-"You look so gorgeous in this dress."-Crimson said, looking at you in the mirror as you looked in the mirror.

-"I look like a doll"-You said, sarcastically because you feel like a toy, you really are like a doll. A doll has no power to decide , like your life and this marriage, you don't have the right to decide, it's all someone else's arrangement.

-"A pretty one."-Crimson said, putting his hands on your shoulders and smiling, he look satisfied.

✰Bound by Blood✰ Crimson x readerTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang