Final chapter

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Chapter 15

Final chapter

"How can it be," said Rin over the phone, her voice raised. "Arthit is getting married today and I am just finding out about it?!"

"I didn't know that you were not aware," I answered honestly. I should have known P'Arthit wouldn't have told her. He was going to be married to Nue by the end of the day and there was nothing I could say to stop him. I have tried everything and all failed.

"What about you, are you really going to marry Paula? What the hell is going on? This is crazy."

"I know, "I can't help but agree with her. It was a lot to take in. "and no, I am not doing that. "

"But you promised Arthit that you would."

"It was just lip service. I thought I would be able to convince him not to get married but P'Arthit is going through with this and nothing I do or say will stop him."

Rin sighed heavily through the phone and groaned. "I understand. Arthit can be so stubborn, there is no talking with him once he has set his mind on something. That means we should get through to Nue."

I closed my eyes. It pained me to do this but I have run out of options. "That's why I am calling you, Rin. I don't know if she would even listen to you but it is better you than me, she hates me and won't see me. "I paused, weighing my words."If it is not too much, can you go and see Nue?"

"Of course," she moaned a little, causing me to worry.

"You don't have to right now. I know you are almost due so—"

"I am not a piece of glass, Kongpob." She snapped, sounding far too irritated and giving away the fact that she wasn't one hundred percent okay. "I won't let Arthit, make such a mistake. I will do everything I can for him you get me? So don't sound like you are putting me out. I will convince Nue or lock her up till the day is over."

"Okay. Sorry and thank you, but be careful."

"What would you be doing?"

"There is something I want to know. Something I should have gone to find out from the beginning."

"What does that mean?" She sounded annoyed again.

I smiled at the phone. "It doesn't matter. Thanks, Rin."

We ended the call. Even if Rin doesn't manage to convince Nue, I hope there is something else I can use to stop this wedding. I spent all the time trying to convince P'Arthit to give up on all this that I forgot the person who started this in the first place. I admit I had been ashamed to see her, thinking she would mock me for desperately forming a bond that I said I wouldn't break. The unbreakable bond that I wanted has now become a shackle around my neck. But if anyone could break it, stop its effect from hurting me at least, even if it means that I would never be reincarnated again, it would be the monk. It would be Paula's mother, Winry.

I was already in front of their house, packed outside. I had come without warning. Paula told me we didn't have to get married on the same day as P'Arthit but she changed her mind without warning a few days ago and so we were supposed to be married by the end of the day. Something must have happened but Paula went silent since then and I have no idea where she was.

P'Arthit's family home loomed in front of me and I felt the world tilt for a moment. My stomach burned like it was lit on a small fire causing me to sweat. I can't deny that I have been putting this off until now. Like a coward, I ran away from the truth. I broke my promise, fell in love with someone else and now I am doing everything I can to keep them without telling them the whole truth. By now I don't know why P'Arthit's stepmom, Winry, hasn't told P'Arthit the truth. The whole truth is that I was cursed to die. I and my soulmate would not live longer than this year. That even if I managed to stop his wedding, eventually I would die and be unable to reincarnate.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2023 ⏰

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