Caelus x Fu Xuan

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Caelus x Fu Xuan or Fu Xuan x Caelus AU.

Sorry I haven't been posting so recently. But now I am here and I promise I will get to people's requested stories soon.


Fu Xuan is always busy with important businesses and never taking a break which Caelus always thinks must be tiring her out.

Even on her 'break' days, she still works on those days. Sick days, holidays, her birth day!

She probably sleeps a good two hours a day which is taking a bit of a troll on the pink haired girl.

She is the diviner and of course would be so busy as to not hang out with her boyfriend, Caelus.

Caelus felt sad of this and thought if he worked with her, he would have more time spend with her.

He signed up to the diviner's assistant.

"Hello, Ms. Fu Xuan", as a man in golden and  black clothes smirking came walking in with a white slivery haired guy, unannounced to the female in the room.

The white slivery hair guy spoke up. "Good morning Fu Xuan. This young man behind me will be your new assistant since yoh always seemed low on spirits these days. Any questions or objections? No. Good. Have a great day." The man headed out the door and left just as fasted as he got in.

Fu Xuan dumbfounded how fast that was could not mutter even an question or objections for this matter.

A hand came on her shoulder which feels familiar... Caelus as she looks up to see the tall man.

"Well... Guess we have to work with each other but no l-lovey dovey things okay? Just let me show you around so you don't get confused on what to do. And I'll also give you, your tasks. Got it?" Fu Xuan sounded embarrassed about this situation because this is her lover being her assistant and it felt awkward and weird that she is doing something like this.

She waits for Caelus to reply with yes and no nervously and sweating caused by her thoughts of the tension.

"Alright, Ms. Fu Xuan!" He said smiling.

Guess he is going along with it.... Fu Xuan thought.

She started to walk and Caelus soons comes walking over as Fu Xuan shows him around.

She did it as swiftly as possible but it was no match for her tiredness and nighttime approaching.

She still remembers her workload she must do. But... Caelus stops his girlfriend right there.

He picks her up in the bridal position and places on the couch and places a blanket on her. She laid on the couch surprisingly. Then Caelus kisses on the forehead.

"Don't worry love! I'll do the workload for you. I know these stuff. So just go to sleep dear."

Fu Xuan agreed and drifted away to dreamland, happily.




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