Dan Heng x Stelle (Christmas Special!)

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Merry Christmas!

Dan Heng x Stelle or Stelle x Dan Heng Established Relationship or Married AU. Also Caelus is their child. March 7th is the aunt.  Himeko and Mr. Welt Yang is the grandparents. PomPom as the pet- I mean uncle.

Requested by Apple2763404! I hope you enjoy!

I also hope you and everyone else have an amazing holiday! A great new year!

🌬️❄️🌨️☃️CHRISTMAS SPECIAL🌬️❄️🌨️☃️


As the seasons past holidays go by, the last final month appears and the cycle repeats.

Snow cackle and crunch on the floor. Chatter and joy plastered all over the stores.

So was for one couple: Dan Heng x Stelle! And of course their overjoyed son, Caelus as he points at every video game and toys in the store, saying he wants them all.

Dan Heng sighs ar Caelus enthusiasm. "Caelus, you may have only two toys."

Caelus pouted with his arms tightly crossed. "Hmph", was the only thing that escaped from Caelus mouth.

"Stelle. Get away from those video games and game consoles. You already have a lot of them and you also spent your 'gaming budget' account for the month."

Stelle moves away slowly from the gaming section but can't keep her eyes away.

So Dan Heng just dragged her and went their merry way to the cashier, the car, and back home.

They unpacked with the help of Caelus because,"he wanted to be on the good list for Christmas!" Only on this holiday will he truly help his parents out, not saying he doesn't but this holiday season is when he is definitely more likely to help.

Ahhh, just wait till he hears Santa Claus is....


They brought food and other items like string lights.

Dan Heng takes the food and goes to cook while Stelle and Caelus does the outside and decorate the house.

As the door bell ringed as Stelle was helping Caelus put on his little jacket.

"I got it!"

Stelle gets done with Caelus' jacket and walks up to the door and opens it to see, the girl of ice... March 7th herself!

"Auntie March!" Caelus went and hugged.

"You can call me sister, y'know. It kinda makes me feel old when you call me auntie..."

"B-B-But, YOU are old."

"Huh! What's this kid's attitude! You are Stelle's kid for sure!" March 7th retorted back.

Dan Heng strolls in and casually hands her some decorations, kicking her out. Forcing her to decorate the house with the others.

"Nice house decor, Stelle, March 7th, and... Little Caelus!" A fiery woman comes.

"May I be of an assistance?" As the guy fixes his guesses.

"GRANPA WELT YANG AND GRANDMA HIMEKO!" Caelus runs and hugs them both.

"Oh sweet Caelus! How are you doing?" Himeko caressing his hair and patting him.

Welt smiles lightly, "You seem to be getting taller and more handsome."

"Well, sorry Welt, we don't need your assistance! We are already done!"

"Oh that's good-"

Dan Heng comes out of the front door. "The food is ready! Oh? Himeko and Mr. Welt Yang is already here?

"Hey PomPom is here too!"

"Oh uncle PomPom!"

"Hmph, don't act innocent you didn't know I was here too!" PomPom cried out.

Everyone entered the house to enjoy the meal.

The scent of holiday joy fills the frosty air.

March 7th playing with PomPom and Caelus.

Himeko help make hot cocoa. Welt sitting on the table still and relaxing himself.

With Dan Heng and Stelle sitting on couch, cuddled with each other.

What a great Christmas!




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