Chapter 1 The Beginning

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 It was a few months after the brother's had defeated Winters and his stone generals. They were getting back into the groove of things, and it was obvious that Leo's training in Central America was beneficial to his leadership. Leo and Raph were on good terms, and things were just peaceful. April, Casey, and Vern were all visiting after another peaceful day in the city. The peace was broken though when Donatello ran into the room excitedly. Raph stopped punching a bag, the humans stopped watching TV, and Mikey stopped skating for a millisecond before resuming. Leo just continued to read the scroll he had brought back from Central America.

"Guys! I have really done it this time!" Donnie shouted as he slid into view, "I have finally finished my-"


"Self healing punching bag?"

"Raph, that's a person."

"Depends on who you ask." Leo finally looked up from the scroll and quieted his brothers.

"What have you finished, Donnie?" The turtle in purple smiled gratefully at his eldest brother.

"I've finally finished my memory viewer!" Everyone stared at him as they waited for the genius to explain, "It lets me look into people's memories." He deadpanned.

"Cool!" Mikey exclaimed, "I volunteer Raph!"

"Hell No!" Leo smiled at the normalcy of this moment. It's just like old times. And just like old times, he has to cut in before Master Splinter sends them all to the Hashi.

"How about I be your guinea pig, Donnie?" He asked as he separated his two hyperactive brothers. Raph was still glaring at their orange banded brother. Donnie excitedly went to grab his machine and hook it up to their leader's head. He passed around things that looked like headbands as he explained the process. They would all jump into Leo's mind using the headbands as their bodies stayed in the living room. Everyone got one except for Vern who decided to stay out of the six and a half foot tall mutant turtle's head. He chose to stay and watch their bodies instead.

Vern watched as all of their bodies slumped in their respective seats. He jumped as Master Splinter came into the room holding a steaming glass of green tea. He took one look at his passed out sons and decided it wasn't worth asking about. They were going to wake up with a lot of questions though.

Meanwhile, in the center of Leonardo's mind, three turtles and two humans wake up in a memory of a small pet shop. After looking around for a bit, they finally came upon a small cage with four small baby turtles. One was much smaller than the others, the colored stickers showing that that one was Leonardo.

"Woah. Didn't know fearless was a runt." Raph commented as the three other tiny turtles seemed to surround the runt of the pack. Seems like they were always close.

"Well, he was always shorter than us," Donatello responded scientifically, "It wasn't until we were fifteen that he finally seemed to shoot up in size."

"Does this mean he's younger?" Michealangelo asked as he got closer to the small cage. Donnie got a closer look as well.

"Hmm. Actually, judging by the patterns forming on his shell, I'd say he's actually at least a month older than us." This shocked everyone, how could their fearless, imposing, possibly terrifying big brother have started out so small?

"I always thought he was just younger," April commented, "from what I can remember, Leonardo was the smallest, but he was also the most protective." Raph seemed like he was going to say something, but they heard a noise from behind them. Everyone looked to see a young goth girl going around to feed all of the animals. She got to the turtles last, and seemed to spend extra time with them.

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