Chapter 15 Baby Days

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Leo was strapped down once again. He barely looked around anymore. What was the point when all that was going to happen was pain? He barely looked up when the Doctor entered the lab. Leo's eyes widened as caught sight of the glowing green canister in the man's hands. He began to struggle, to get out of the shackles, away from the ooze.

"Don't worry, it's not going to be used on you," One of the Doctor's lackeys came in with a small bundle, "We're going to use it on her." The blanket was pulled away to show a small albino child, "My wife was useless and gave me a daughter instead of a strong son, so I'm putting her to use."

"You monster! You're going to mutate your own flesh and blood!?"

"Of course!" The child was placed in a small crib, "I want to see the effect of human to animal mutation. You'll finally have another turtle friend here." The man pulled out a small vial of blood, "Red Eared Slider I believe?" Doctor was about to inject the sleeping child with the blood.

"Stop!" Doctor paused, "Directly putting the blood into her body could make her go into shock. And animal blood might kill her!"

"Then what would you suggest?"

"That you don't do this at all!?"

"Wrong answer," The needle got closer to the baby's skin.

"Wait!" Another pause, "Use my blood."


"Use my blood. It is part human. If you mix it with the mutagen, you'll negate the possibility of shock," The Doctor's grin was large and menacing as he grabbed another vial of blood. Not surprising. Leo's blood has been everywhere in this damn lab. He watched carefully as the blood was mixed with the mutagen then injected into the poor child's body. The turtle flinched as wails of pain could be heard from the small crib. He couldn't see the change, but he knew it was instantaneous. All he could see was the green spreading over the girl's skin.

"You are a miracle worker my dear turtle," Leo flinched again. This was all his fault. At least she was alive, "Well, I'm done with you for the day."

Leo and the child were tossed back into the cage. Leo made sure to catch the girl. She was so tiny in his massive hands. The turtle finally got a good look at the young mutant. Milky pale skin had been turned into pale green scales. Her human chest had been replaced by a small but durable plastron, and even though she didn't have a shell, her back seemed to be rock solid, though flexible. She had turtle feet but she kept her human five fingered hands. She also kept her adorable white fluffy hair. Her spine had elongated to allow a small tail to grow, and her nose had shrunk, but it was still there. Last, but not least, she had crystal blue eyes so much like his own. She was absolutely adorable. And she was his.

"I'll get you out of here," Leo whispered softly into his daughter's hair, "My child. My Nathara."

"That slimy, no good, son of a Bitch!!" April's shout of anger had surprised everyone, though they all agreed. It was cruel to do that to anyone, but to do it to your own child was monstrous.

"What did he call her?" Mikey asked no one in particular.

"Nathara. It's of Scottish origin. Means snake," everyone looked at Raph surprised, "What? I like Scottish mythology. If I learned the language to read some of the original texts, it's no one's business." He didn't mention that it was Leo who had gotten him into it and taught him the language. That was also no one's business.

Leo growled as the Doctor walked to his cage. He cradled his child closer to his plastron. She whimpered, having sensed the danger that this man posed.

"You seem to have grown attached," the man grinned as observed the protective turtle.

"She has to have at least one good father," Leo growled.

"Father? You think she's your child?" Leo just grunted. Doctor motioned for his goons to grab the mutants. Leo growled and snapped as they got closer to him and his child. One of the goons managed to get a muzzle on him as the other took Nathara. She cried and whined as she left her father's arms. Leo was dragged down the hallway and towards the lab. He growled as he was strapped onto the table once again.

"Don't touch her!!" He snapped as soon as the muzzle was removed.

"Interesting. Her age seems to have sped up. She's not even two, yet she looks like she's three years old." He poked the squirming child.

"Get away from her." Leo's growls were getting louder. Doctor barely glanced his way before pressing a button. Growls turned into screams as the turtle was electrocuted once again. Nathara cried louder in response to her father's screams. Finally, the screams died down.

"I won't hurt her. You however, are plenty fun to mess with," Leo cringed away as hands were placed over his sensitive skin. He growled as a finger poked the broken scalpel blade in his chest.

"I've already said that I planned to kill him, right?"

"Many times."

"Any ideas on how?"

"Poisoned birthday cake?"

"I don't think Cowabunga Carl exists in Costa Rica. But I like where your head is at Mikey."

"Aw. You flatter me."

Leo was curled protectively over his child. He nuzzled her soft hair and churred to let her know he was there. He smiled as she let off hesitant churrs. She wasn't used to being able to make that sound. He had to get her out of here.

"My niece is adorable!" Mikey cooed.

"Leo is acting more like a mother than a father."

"What did you expect? He was always a sort of mother hen."

"That's true,"

Leo was once again strapped to the exam table. The Doctor was staring at him. He seemed bored. The glee in his eyes as he tortured the turtle was gone. Doctor sighed before turning off the electricity.

"You're starting to bore me. I mean, you don't even scream anymore." He refused to scream in front of his daughter, "Oh well. Good thing I have a spare." Leo's eyes widened as Nathara was picked up by her scruff. She whined and grunted as she tried to get out of the mean man's hold.

"Let her go!" He was ignored.

"What's a more perfect way to celebrate her second birthday, than to introduce her to the world of pain?" The gleam in the man's eyes was back as he picked up a small lighter.

"I said let her go!" Leo struggled to get out of his cuffs. Get to his daughter. He reached out his weakened aura as soon as the lighter got to close.

As soon as Nathara screamed in pain, Leonardo snapped. His aura exploded, knocking things off of tables and setting fire to anything that would burn. The shackles twisted and exploded off of his wrists and ankles. He screamed as he lunged at the startled doctor, snatching his child away and clutching her protectively. He ignored the humans as he dashed out of the lab, trying to find any exit. He ignored as glass shattered and embedded into his arms and bounced off of his shell. He only cared about the crying child being shielded by his body. He only cared about the exit he could see down the hall. He cared little about the bright blue flames following him out of the building, burning anything to do with that man and his torture. He didn't look back.

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