Chapter 24 The End of The Beginning

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Splinter woke up from his rest to a silent home. They're not back yet? How long does it take to view nineteen years worth of memories? Well, if you take into account the owner of said memories literally can't sleep... Splinter sighed as he made tea for himself and Vern. The human was lying on the couch with bloodshot eyes from staying up all night. The rat handed the falcon his tea, then he went to meditate. Maybe this time, he could reach Nirvana.

Leo was staring intently into the eyes of his sworn enemy, his sister's boyfriend. They had just announced their engagement and Casey was asking Splinter for April's hand in marriage. The staring made the human a little nervous, but he had nothing to worry about. At least not yet. When he finally got the rat's blessing, he kissed April and walked over to Raph.

"Raphael," He said to the very confused turtle, "I would like you to be my best man." Everyone's eyes widened. It was obvious how close the two had gotten over the years but...

"What about this whole situation?" Raph gestured to all of himself. Leo quickly let his aura comfort his nervous brother.

"Well," April cut in, "Neither of us have any family. It'd just be you guys, Vern, and most of the police station."

"Ok. What about a minister?" Donnie cut in, "I don't think a priest would appreciate us being there.

"I could do it." Leo blushed as all attention was put on him, "I'm a legal wedding officiant..."

"The fuck? Since when? How?"

"Since I was eleven? I took an online course and got a certificate. I'm actually well versed in the wedding traditions of about 30 different cultures." Everyone stared at him as they processed the information. April was the first to snap out of it.

"Aw~ You were going to be my maid of honor." Leo blushed harder, "But I would love for you to officiate the wedding." Casey nodded as he hugged his fiance, "How 'bout you, Mikey?"

"Huh?" The orange banded brother shot up from his place on the couch.

"Would you like to be my maid of honor?"

"Hell yeah girl! I'll be the best damn maid of honor you ever saw!" Mikey excitedly hugged his sister. Leo was glad he had decided to take that course. He was bored and one thing led to another... yeah, he knew too much.

"Wait," Everyone looked at Casey, "Why did he become an officiant? You guys were super secret up until now."

"He was bored," a simple explanation. How much does Leonardo know because he was simply bored?

He could feel his youngest brother's aura as he stared at him. The bright orange color curiously spreads over Leo's own blue aura. Leo opened his eyes to look directly into Michelangelo's own bright blue eyes. The orange banded turtle was holding Leonardo's tattooing needle. His smile brightened as he caught his older brother's attention. Leo sighed as he took the needle.

"You're not supposed to be going through my stuff," Leo plugged in the needle anyway, "What do you want?" Mikey's bright smile was brilliant and adorable. Leo missed this.

"I noticed you got a tattoo on your side," Mikey pointed to the small spider lily on his hip. Their sides were the only places on their torsos with no shell, they were also the most sensitive spots on their bodies. Mikey had always been shy about getting a tattoo there.

"Oh. Yeah."

"I wanted to get a small sunflower."


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