Chapter 6 Meeting April

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Leo was looking down at his brothers who were celebrating their latest thwarting of the foot clan. He was atop the water tower, smiling as their auras seemed to wrap around each other. He barely noticed a small golden aura coming their way before the snap and flash of a camera was heard. Leo swore he had seen this aura before. Which is impossible, he barely interacted with humans. He was snapped out of his thoughts by Raph trying to scare the poor girl.

"Enough!" The full force of his body slammed into the roof, though it sounded like a cat walking on soft cotton. The brothers squabbled for a bit, before the human girl passed out. It only took 30 minutes for her to come to, during which they learned that her name was April O'Neil.

Leo's eyes squinted as he pondered the name. It sounded way too familiar. Anyway, they managed to wipe the phone and threaten the poor girl. As they were about to jump away, his eyes widened as his aura loosely wrapped itself around the soft golden aura. That instance had been in his mind the entire way back. It was on his mind as they were put in the Hashi. He barely felt the strain in his legs. He finally got his answer when Master Splinter explained the story to them all.

"He recognized me?" The brothers gazed at the beauty that April's aura had become. It was a soft gold, but it was fierce and inquisitive. It flowed around her, lightly grasping onto the brothers.

They were battling in their partially destroyed home. Raph was nowhere to be found, though Leo could feel his faint aura under some rubble. Leo had to push through getting electrocuted multiple times. It hurt. Everything hurts. He managed to run to his father. Everything seemed to slow down as the gate slammed into the ground. Every one of their auras flared brightly as they tried to get to their sensei. Leo's aura surrounded his brothers as they managed to blow the gate open.

"Now now children," Shredder held their father up, "Drop your weapons, before he dies."

Mikey and Donnie looked to their leader for guidance. Leo's aura flickered in doubt as his face turned to stone. He looked at his brothers, then to his father. He dropped his swords, his brothers followed his lead. Shredder immediately attacked. The Foot got the brothers. Leo immediately spread his aura to his brothers, taking most of the damage from the electricity. The pain coursed through his body as they were led to a van.

He was the only one to stay awake as scientists tied them in cages and stuck needles in their arms. He would've tried to escape, but his body was still weak from the electricity. He wouldn't have been able to carry his brothers out of here. He was the one who edged on Sacks to reveal their plan. Then, blood was being taken. He barely noticed the aura of his brother and April quickly approaching the building. He barely noticed the overwhelming black aura before it attacked his brother. He barely registered Donnie telling April what to do. Then, he had a sudden boost of energy. His aura flared brightly as he and his brothers smashed themselves out of their cages. He needed to get to Raph.

"Wow, he was so out of it," Mikey muttered.

"We were all out of it," Donnie replied. Raph just shuddered at the thought of that shadowy, evil black aura touching him. It was almost as bad as Krang's slimy tentacles. He felt the very sudden need to take a long shower.

"Cliff!" They were sliding down the icy mountain. Almost getting run over by a giant truck and many smaller jeeps. Leo shook off the last of his tremors and climbed up the truck to get April and Vern out of the driver's car. Then they fell off a cliff. The strain in his shoulder was a lot. He was carrying a 300 pound turtle and two humans. His shoulder was screaming. He smiled as Raph pulled him over the cliff. The tremors started up again in his arm.

"He had lasting effects from being electrocuted," Donnie muttered, "That doesn't make any sense! Why didn't we have lasting effects?"

"He protected us with his aura lighty thingy!" Mikey shouted from his place by April. Donnie immediately felt guilty. He should have seen the effect that getting electrocuted had on Leo. The leader wasn't the only one who was well versed in medicine. He should have seen the signs. Donatello was knocked out of his thoughts by the big hand of his elder brother landing on his shoulder. They didn't say anything, but the sentiment was there.

Mikey was playing Chopsticks in the elevator. Then Raph and Donnie joined in. Leo was so done with his siblings, but he joined anyway. Then the elevator opened, they all ran out. Leo headed straight for the ominous black aura, then got promptly thrown off the building. Everything hurts. He barely managed to catch his brother when he fell off the building. Then his other brothers fell off the tower. They managed to defeat the Shredder with a game of puck puck and Donnie managed to diffuse the bomb. Then the Shredder got back up. Great. The fight got to the point where the brothers were holding up the tower holding the poisonous gas bomb. Leo listened as his brother tried and failed to hold on. He held on, even as the Shredder punched him in the stomach. Everything hurts. Then a ray of golden light befell them.

"SHREDDER!!" April made it to the roof with the mutagen. She was threatening the Shredder. Then everyone got thrown off the roof. He could barely think through the pain as the brothers saved April, knocked down the Shredder and continued to fall off of a building. He listened closely to his brothers as they gave their hearts out. He didn't get to say anything before they hit the ground, but his aura was wrapped tightly around his brothers. It took most of the damage. Leo grunted at the force of the impact. He barely managed to grab his sword and the canister of mutagen before he and his family went back to the sewers.

The gang just stood there shocked. Casey was surprised at the battle, and the fact that his girlfriend had edged on a megalomaniac of a serial killer out to destroy and control New York City. April stood there, shocked at the confessions. The brothers were the most shocked. Leo took the shock of falling off of a tower. How had that affected his body? Did he have any lasting side effects? Is that the only reason they lived? Tears fell down Mikey's face as he hugged his brothers.

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