Chapter 16 Starting Anew

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The group stared in shock as Leonardo ran away from the burning building. The pure rage as he decimated the lab and everything in it. Who knew he had that kind of power?

"Wow." Was the only thing Mikey could say. It was the only thing any of them could say. The brothers were very glad that Leo was on their side.

"Does this mean we don't get to kill him?" Raph asked as he continued to look at the burning building.

"It is highly unlikely that he made it out of that."


Leo ran through the night before almost passing out around noon. When he finally got his bearings, he realized that he was right outside of his cave. He nearly cried at the familiar sight. He walked in to see his stuff exactly where he left it. The case of weapons on the far wall, the smaller case of clothes right next to it, and his meditation corner surrounded by dusty candles. The small pond in the corner was as clear as the day he left

"We did it. We made it out," He looked to his daughter who had just woken up. Upon closer inspection, he saw that the flame had done a lot more damage than he had thought. He didn't get to her in time. The entire left side of her face was burned and parts of her hair had been burned off. It looked like she had a fluffy white undercut. The scar covered her eye and permanently closed it. Had he caused this? Was this caused by his fire?

"Daddy?" He looked down at his little girl.


"It hurts. Why do I only see half?" Nathara was a very smart girl. Able to form full sentences at only two years old.

"It's ok. Y-your eye had been injured,"

"Will I see out of it again?"

"I don't think so," He ruffled her hair as he walked over to his medical pack. He needed to treat their injuries. Luckily, the burn was the only injury on her body and it was quickly cooled by some burn cream. Nathara helped his shaky hands wrap gauze around her eye and head. Once she was treated, she was placed in his lap. The first thing he did was wrap his fingers together. He immediately sighed at the support and comfort. His hands will probably be shaky for the rest of his life, but at least the wraps helped. Then, he grabbed some tweezers and started pulling out shards of glass. Finally, he stitched his wounds together before applying antibiotic ointment and wrapping them. Once he was satisfied, he started churring into Nathara's hair. She chirped back quietly.

"Que?" Leo snapped up to see a human standing in front of his cave carrying a small basket. He had long black hair, beautiful green eyes, and golden tan skin. In short terms, Adonis. And in less than a second, Leo had the adonis under his foot while protectively clutching his daughter, "¡Lo lamento! ¡Lo lamento! ¡Por favor déjame ir!"

"¿Qué estás haciendo aquí?" The man stared up in surprise. It wasn't everyday that you see a talking turtle covered in bandages.

"¿Yo vivo aquí?"

"Esta es mi cueva."

"¿Puedo levantarme?" Leo only growled and pressed harder into the man's chest before letting go. He walked over to the case holding his clothes and slipped on a pair of pants, <That's your stuff?>


<Oh, well I've been watching over it all for a few months.>


<Felt like it. Anyway, my name is Matthias. What's yours?>

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