Chapter 10 After Krang

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This bubblegum looking pink piece of shit was an annoying little bastard. His aura was as slimy as his body, and pink as well. Leo was noticeably grossed out. The battle was long and hard and Leo really didn't like it when the tentacles grabbed at him. He hated it more when his brothers were hurt. He managed to almost fall off another aircraft. Then Mikey got grabbed. Leo and his brothers went into Mikey defense mode. And Krang got defeated. The beacon was sent back through the portal, a small explosion afterwards. Everything was fine.

"Does anyone else notice how Leo seems to fall off of everything?" Donnie questioned. Nobody heard him. His brothers were celebrating the defeat of Krang and the humans were getting over the gross feeling.

"That was gross. You guys totally need showers."

"April. That was almost three years ago. And trust me, Leo forced us to take three showers that night.

Leo was in protective turtle mode. They had all just gotten back from getting keys to the city and the battle had finally sunk into his brain. He made sure to patch everyone up then forced everyone to have at least two showers. Then he dragged his brothers, Master Splinter, April, Vern, and Casey to the living room where he stashed plenty of blankets and pillows. The brothers and April knew that this meant turtle pile. The human males were in for a surprise.

Leo quickly got to work arranging his family. Raph and Donnie were on the bottom with Mikey draped over their legs. April being the lightest was gently placed on Mikey's cracked shell, the turtle in orange instantly relaxing. A confused Casey protested as he was gently thrown between Mikey's cushioned legs. He made to get up, but quickly rethought when Leo growled at him. Pillows were stuffed between the smalls of Raph and Donnie's shells and Mikey's side. Vern placed over those pillows. He made sure that the humans had blankets before turning on the heat. Then he draped himself over Raph and Donnie's shells before allowing his father to climb onto his own shell.

The leader practically purred as everyone around him relaxed. Soon, his family was asleep and he was comforted by their auras.

"Weirdest day of my life, but the best sleep I ever got," Casey said joyfully.

"Yeah. Turtles find great comfort in turtle piles. We've been doin it since we were tots."

"Anyone notice that for the first time in a while, Leo wasn't in pain?" Everyone stared at Donnie then looked at the peaceful turtle draped over his brothers. He wasn't spasming or trembling at all.

Leo was in his private forge in the lair. He was heating up the furnace. He didn't know why, but the leader felt like creating something today. Now, what to create? His answer came with a knock on the door. April walked in with an unsure expression on her face.


"I want a weapon." This surprised the blue leader.


"I-I can't expect you guys to fight all of the time. I was practically useless during the invasion," Leo smiled and cradled his sister in his arms, "I wanna fight with you."

"Ok. Well, what weapon would you like?"

"I don't really know. I was hoping you would." Leo got a thoughtful look. He walked over to his shelves full of steel. He grabbed 10 small planks of steel. There seemed to be two different types. April watched as he stacked them into a small pattern, "You're going to make it?"

"Of course," Leo smiled at his sister. He grabbed his welding mask and gloves, welded the planks together, then he welded a metal pole to the new piece of metal. Then, he surprised her when he sliced his palm with a small knife. Spreading the blood over the block of metal.

"W-why'd you do that!?" April ran over to Leo who was wrapping his hand back up.

"Don't worry, it's part of the process. It's said that if you forge blood into a weapon, then it would protect the wielder from having to kill anyone." Leo grabbed the pole and placed the block in the furnace. She sat back down as he heated the metal to the point that it was almost white. He took the metal out, stretched it, then cut it in half. He welded the two halves on top of each other. He did this a total of 6 times. She watched as he hammered the metal out until it took the shape of a long thin sword, then he stuck it back in the furnace. Leo smiled as he dunked the blade into water, it came out unwarped. It was grinded and sharpened to a point. Metal getting shaved off to balance the weight. He made a two handed handle out of hickory and wrapped it in yellow leather. The guard was round and had dragons and cherry blossoms etched in. It was well past midnight when Leo gently handed her a sheathed sword.

"It's beautiful," She unsheathed it to see a delicate layer pattern in the blade.

"It's a layered Damascus Odachi. 640 layers. Two handed. Handle and sheath made of hickory. Durable and great for mid ranged attacks and defense. Takes strength and focus to use, but it will treat you well. Come by anytime. We can teach you how to use it," She stared at the beautifully crafted blade for another minute, before hugging her brother. They said goodnight and went back home. Leo watched as her soft golden aura stretched out to the blade. They were already bonding.

April smiled as she watched her precious sword be made again. It really had treated her well, and she hadn't had to kill anyone yet.

"Ok. So weird blood ritual," Casey muttered.

"It may not be scientific, but I am inclined to believe that it works," Donnie responded, "All of our weapons were made by Leonardo, and we haven't had to kill anyone yet."

"It's still weird,"

"You'll get used to it," Raph slapped the poor guy on his back.

Leo was lying on the couch, reading some mythology. April and Casey came running to their home, excited and nervous. He glanced at their clasped hands. He looked back up and practically glared at the new guy. He nodded in satisfaction as Casey flinched back.

"We have some news!" Please don't be pregnant, "Casey and I have decided to start going out!" The brothers sat up in attention. They stayed sitting as Leo got up and in Casey's face.

"You hurt my sister, and no one will find you." He watched the poor man's bold blue aura flinch away. Good, he should be scared. He walked away and into the sewer. He found his secret room, drew a quick sketch of Casey, and tacked him on a wall titled "hit list". On it was Shredder, Krang, and the chief of police. She and Casey were safe for now, but just in case.

Casey shivered in fear. He has a hit list. Why does he have a hit list? That was a very good drawing for a quick sketch. April chuckled at the fear on her boyfriend's face.

"Why is the chief of police on the wall?"

"Maybe because she tried to arrest us?"

Leo was back in his secret hideout. Art and wanted posters on the wall. He was splayed out underneath a heavily modified motorcycle. Black in color for stealth with small red turtle details.

"Finally done," Leo said as he slid out from under the vehicle. He got on, it barely strained under his weight, and started the engine. It worked beautifully. He got off, then walked the motorbike back to the lair, "Hey, Raph! Look what I got for ya."

Raph looked up and ran over in excitement, "Where'd you get this?"

"The chief of police felt like this could help us in some of our endeavors. Figured you'd like one." Raph gave him a knowing look, but took the lie easily. Then he excitedly took the bike back out of the lair to test drive it.

"Leo is too kind," Mikey muttered as he watched the exchange. Everyone agreed. Leo needed to take credit once in a while.

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