Chapter 13 Lab Days pt 2

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Leonardo woke up to the smell of chemicals and cleanliness. An unusual smell in the heart of the jungle. He looked around to see that he was in some sort of lab, tied down to an examination table, and muzzled. The shackles and muzzle dug deep into his scales, and the brightness was almost too much for his eyes. This is why he never took sedatives.

The turtle's attention was grabbed by the sound of a door opening. A reasonably tall man in his late 40's wearing a lab coat walked in. He was Caucasian with salted black hair and cold blue eyes. Leo growled as the man got closer.

"You can stop pretending to be an animal," the man's voice was cold and calculated, "I know what you really are." Leo just growled again, "I've been watching you for the last month, I know you can speak. Oh wait, I totally forgot about this." The man took off the muzzle, Leo could feel a small trickle of blood roll down his face.

"Who are you, and what do you want with me?" Leo's voice was hoarse.

"Oh how I love hearing that voice. Anyway, you can call me Doctor, and I just want to run a few harmless tests." The 'Doctor' had the same gleam in his eyes as Eric Sacks did. They had the same aura too. Icky green and swampy, "Now, let's begin."

The metal restraints on his body suddenly sparked up with electricity. Pain coursed through his body as he was once again electrocuted. The Doctor laughed in glee at the screams leaving the mutant's body.

Mikey and April cried as they heard the blood curdling screams, Raph had to be held back by a struggling Casey Jones, and Donnie went catatonic as he watched the torture. His brother's bright blue eyes alight with pain as he tried to get out of the restraints. The muscles locking at the never forgotten feeling of fire and daggers stabbing themselves into his very nerves.

Leo was shackled in a cage. The muzzle was back on his face and he was letting out weak churrs and whines. He was in pain. Suddenly the Doctor came in with some muscled help, at his command, they grabbed the turtle and started dragging him out of the cage. Leonardo struggled with all of his might as they continued to drag him down a hallway and back into the lab, but his body was too weak.

"Today, we're going to see your reaction to pain,"

"Why? Didn't get enough last time?" Leo snarked as his muzzle was removed.

"That was just for fun! You gave excellent screams," the Doctor purred as he caressed the mutant's thigh. Leo wanted to throw up. He watched as the man grabbed a small scalpel. The doctor poked and sliced at different parts of his body. Leo barely let out a grunt. Though he let out a hiss when the scalpel was practically forced through his plastron. His bullet proof chest broke the blade, but not before it got lodged in there, "I wonder what will happen if I let you heal over the blade. Will it cause pain?"

Leo hisses again as the blade was pushed further in by a finger. He distracted himself by assessing what damage had been done. His arms were covered in small knicks and lacerations, though his legs were barely touched.

"Why are you doing this?" Leo managed to hiss out.

"Because it's fun!" The Doctor put down the scalpel handle, "When I heard about you, I couldn't believe my ears. All I wanted was to get my hands on you. To play with you. See what made you tick."

"Who told you about me?"

"My brother. You know him as Eric Sacks," Leo's eyes widened in shock, "Yes. He told me all about his experiments. Told me about you and your brothers. He even sent me a vial of this," the man pulled out a medium sized canister of mutagen, "Don't worry, I won't use it on you. I won't suck you dry of blood to get more either. You're too fun to play with."

The leader was electrocuted once again. The wounds on his body made it worse. Blood boiled and wounds were cauterized. Everything hurts.

"I'm gonna kill that son of a bitch!" They didn't even want to hold the raging turtle back anymore. They were all feeling his anger. They all wanted revenge.

Leo was back in his cage, trying to hide the spasms that had reappeared. The Doctor came back and Leo didn't even fight as he was dragged back to the lab.

"You know. I've been really curious about your hands lately," Leo tried not to flinch as he was touched by his torturer, "It looks like you could have five fingers. My brother never mentioned this."

"He didn't know. Why would he? The scumbag just wanted us for our blood." The Doctor just laughed and grabbed a scalpel. Leo watched in horror as his fingers were carefully cut apart. Years of work quickly undone in 10 minutes of agonizing pain.

He was back in his cell, clutching at his shaky, twitchy hands. Tears streamed down his face as he wondered if he would ever be able to use them properly again.

The whole group was crying by now. Raph really wanted to punch something. Mikey clung on to his elder brothers. Tears streamed down his face, causing everything to be blurry.

"W-when will it end!?" The turtle in orange sobbed as the picture of his crying brother faded.

Leo was just strapped down to the exam table when a sudden bright light flashed in his face. This set off the first of many seizures. His fists clenched, muscles spasmed, and body struggled. The shackles only made it worse as he screamed and tried to get away. His head hit repeatedly on the metal table as his legs tried to kick out. The turtle tried to imagine the comfort of his family's auras, but the pain was too much. Everything was too much.

He finally stopped spasming long enough to catch his breath. He caught sight of the Doctor who was grinning widely. Almost laughing at him.

"That was marvelous. I didn't even have to do anything," the man fucking giggled. Leo couldn't speak, he just growled, "Now now. Don't be like that."

"Y-you . . . are a . . . bastard," he could barely speak. His vision was still blurry, but he could clearly see the bastard's cold blue eyes.

"I know. Isn't it wonderful!" He smiled in glee, "That a bastard like me could bring down the mighty like you."

"You haven't even begun to bring me down." The Doctor just smiled wider.

"Of course not."

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