Chapter 8 Meeting Casey

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Leo watched in amusement as his brothers playfully fell from the sky. He grinned as they helped each other across New York City. He even laughed when Donnie pushed Raph to do the thing. Now, it was time to get the pizza from Mikey. They laughed as the pizza box was thrown at each other. They ended up in the plasma tron of the basketball stadium.

"All right guys, we made it just in time!" Donnie yelled. Mikey whooped in glee. He laughed as everyone cheered for the Nicks. Then his brothers started bickering. He had to calm them down.

Leo frowned as the tron started showing footage of the Shredder, then cheered with his brothers as Vern came out from the stands. He laughed slightly when his brothers started shooting spitballs at the poor man's face. Then Donnie got a call from April. The game continued until Mikey dropped pizza. The brother's freaked out and got the shell outta there as soon as one of the players slipped. They surfed through the sewers home, Mikey almost exposed all of them, the usual. As Leo was glaring at his idiot little brother, Donnie got another call from April. Leo watched as Donnie's aura flared in concern.

"There gonna break him out of prison," The turtle in purple muttered.

"Who, Donnie?" Leo put his hand on his brother's shoulder.


"So, while I was getting important information off of a laptop, y'all were dropping pizzas in basketball stadiums?" April looked agitated.

"Yuck, Basketball. Much prefer hockey."

"Not now Casey."

The Turtle Tactical Truck was awesome. If they didn't have to stop a megalomaniac from being freed from police custody, Leo would totally be freaking out. Though, he was fully prepared to spread out his aura when they almost hit that one wall. Then, they were off.

They managed to make it to where the heist was happening. They needed to act fast. Leo pushed the button that Donnie told him to, then gave a satisfied smirk as manhole covers shot out and hit the foot soldiers.

"Hey, one of those almost cost me my hands!"

The fight continued. Leo gave a small concerned smile when he heard Mikey's mechanical nunchucks break off of the van. Then, the motherfuckers tried to blow them up. Raph jumped out of the car in retaliation. He definitely has to get Raph a motorcycle. He was brought back to focus when a helicopter with a 'big ass magnet' showed up and tore the roof off of the police vehicle. Shit. Shredder was being pulled out of said vehicle. Leo quickly thought and clicked the button with the familiar symbols on it. A sword flew out and cut Shredder's line.

"Yeah!" He'll worry about where that sword went later. Leo also ignored Mikey's possible head injury as Donnie continuously slammed him into the roof. The net missed and Shredder disappeared. Leo was almost blinded by the bright light that he disappeared into. They failed.

"So that's what happened," Casey mumbled. He was still a little cheesed off from the encounter.

"Woah. That light was so bright!"

"Is that not what you guys saw?"

"No. It must have to do with his ability to see auras."

Leo was right. Raph would totally throw his sais straight through a metal pole. April hadn't gotten back to the lair yet, so they decided to follow the tracker that Donnie had discreetly placed on her person. Leo was gonna have a talk with him about that. Anyway, they found her talking to some random man holding a hockey stick. Raph may have overreacted.

They then jumped down into the alley and walked menacingly to the poor man. The man thought that they were aliens. That's funny. Leo found it amusing as Mikey played with the poor human. Then he suffered in embarrassing silence as his youngest brother introduced them all. The comment about Raph was funny though. When that was over, the leader practically interrogated April. Purple ooze was not good. Then they kidnapped the strange hockey boy.

"You have a tracker on me!?" April was agitated again. Donnie flinched away.

"To be fair. I have a tracker on all of you."

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