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minho panted as they finished their choreography, checking his watch and seeing his heart rate at 154.

he muttered an 'oh shit,' realizing he forgot to take his meds. his breaths were quick, thankful that he could blame it on dancing.

"min? everything good?"

minho stared at his heart rate chart over the past 6 hours and slowly nodded. he was getting too close to passing out.

"what are you at, min?"

chan could tell that minho was stumbling even just in the slightest. jisung frowned, concern for
his boyfriend creeping in his stomach.

minho took deep breaths, closing his eyes. "i just- i need to-" he blinked quickly, and the next second his body hit the floor harshly.

his members hadn't seen him pass out much due to his pots, only once or twice. "min!" jisung ran to him, sitting criss cross to lay minho's head in his lap.

jisung checked minho's watch and saw the 176 that he was at. "he's at 176, chan. he's going to puke. i should bring him to the bathroom quickly."


jisung propped minho up to sit against the bathroom wall and he slowly opened his eyes. "hey, baby. you passed out for a minute."

jisung cupped his cheek, softly rubbing his thumb against the pale skin. "feel like puking?" minho nodded, lips forming a pout.

"i hate throwing up."

"i know, darling. just tell us whenever you need a break and you'll get it. it's dangerous to just pass out in places."

minho shook his head. "no, i have to- have to." his head lolled back against the wall and his eyes shut as he fainted again.

"my baby." jisung sat next to him, pushing minho's head to lay on his shoulder.



this time jisung wasn't home.

no one was.

just changbin and minho.

minho's hands gripped the counter and he shook his head. "bin?" the younger hummed, coming up behind him to rest a hand on his lower back.

"i'm going to faint."

as if on command, minho stumbled back and changbin hit the wall, sliding down with a motionless minho.

"shit, shit, shit." he pulled minho's phone from his pocket and called jisung.

'min? w-'

"ji, minho passed out and i don't know what to do. i'm holding him, he didn't get hurt."

'okay, just, if he wakes up before i get there, keep him seated even if he says he's fine. can you check what his heart rate's at?'


'shit, i'm almost home. i'll be like 5-10 minutes.'

"okay, i'll see you soon, sung." changbin hung up, putting the phone on the floor. he held minho close, listening to the slow breathing of the older.

minho blinked slowly, head pounding as he saw he was on the floor. "bin?" the younger hummed, resting his chin on minho's shoulder.

"i think i'm gonna puke. or faint."

"please don't puke on me. i'll puke."

minho played with changbin's fingers that rested on his stomach and smiled. "what are we waiting for?"

"jisung told me to keep you sitting down. it's dangerous for you to be standing, min. you could've gotten really hurt if i wasn't behind you."

minho pursed his lips, muttering. "i've passed out
multiple times when you guys weren't there and hurt my head."

the door opened and jisung rushed in. he saw the two on the floor, relieved to see minho awake.

"thank you so much, bin. are you okay, love?"

he and changbin switched spots since minho wanted to stay on the floor as he was still a bit dizzy.

" 'm okay. bit dizzy. but okay."

"we'll stay here for 5 minutes, then i want you to eat something."


minho stumbles into the living room, his face pale and beads of sweat forming on his forehead. he clutches his racing heart, feeling his strength wane with each passing moment. jisung immediately senses something is wrong and rushes to his side.

"POTS episode.. fainting... my heart... won't slow down."

jisung's eyes widen with concern, but he maintains a calm demeanor, determined to help minho through this challenging episode.

"breathe, minho. i'm right here with you. let's find a comfortable place to sit down."

jisung carefully leads minho to the couch and helps him sit, propping him up with cushions for support. jisung kneels in front of minho, gently holding his hands.

"look into my eyes, min. focus on my voice. let's slow your heart rate down together, alright?"

minho nods, his breathing shallow and irregular. jisung takes a deep breath, maintaining eye contact with minho.

"inhale slowly... hold it for a moment... and now exhale. keep following my lead."

jisung demonstrates deep, controlled breaths, guiding minho through each inhalation and exhalation. their synchronized breathing begins to create a sense of calm in the room.

jisung's voice remains steady and supportive, his focus solely on helping minho find relief.

"that's it, baby. inhale... and exhale. picture your heart slowing down with each breath. you're in control."

as they continue the breathing exercise, minho's heart rate gradually starts to stabilize. the color returns to his face, and his grip on jisung's hands relaxes.

jisung checks minho's watch and sees the 140. "see, baby. you were at 190 when you sat down. good job."

"thank you, ji. i don't know what i'd do without you."

jisung smiles tenderly, never breaking their connection.

"you don't have to thank me, love. we're in this together, remember? i'll always be here to support you, through the ups and downs."

minho's gratitude shines through his tired eyes as he looks at jisung, his rock and anchor during moments of vulnerability.

"love you, ji. although i still feel like i'll pass out."

jisung chuckled. "love you, baby. let's take things slow. stay here, and i'll make you a cup of tea."

they share a gentle moment of understanding and affection before jisung gets up to prepare the tea, leaving minho feeling safe and cared for in their shared sanctuary.

he came back with the warm tea and laughed as he saw minho passed out. "oh, minho. my poor baby."


minho laid unconscious on his bedroom floor and the door opened. "holy shit, min." seungmin crouched down, resting the palm over his forehead.

"fuck, you're burning up."

minho opened his eyes, blinking slowly. seungmin shakily reached for his phone. calling jisung.

"ji, fuck- minho's burning up and he was passed out when i found him."

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