zombie apocalypse

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requested by seungminsvocalchord
minho, alone and wearied from the constant struggle, finds temporary refuge in an abandoned house. the windows are boarded up, and every creaking floorboard echoes through the empty rooms, a chilling reminder of the perilous world outside. he clutches his meager supplies, rationing what little food and water he has left.

with a heavy sigh, minho slumps against a decaying wall, his thoughts drifting to the friends he lost, the memories of their laughter now mingled with the haunting sounds of the undead. he clenches his fists, the pain of their absence still raw, but he knows he can't dwell on the past.

suddenly, a crash from downstairs jolts Minho to attention. he freezes, his heart pounding as he listens for any sign of movement. the realization sets in that he's not alone in this house.

summoning every ounce of courage, minho slowly rises and grips his makeshift weapon. he carefully makes his way down the stairs, every step taken with trepidation. the air is thick with tension, and his senses are on high alert.

as he reaches the ground floor, he spots movement in the darkness. a lone zombie, its rotting flesh and lifeless eyes a haunting sight, stands between minho and the exit. fear threatens to overtake him, but he forces himself to focus, reminding himself that he's faced worse before.

minho takes a deep breath and raises his weapon, readying himself to fight for his life once again. he moves with caution, calculating his strikes, knowing that even a small mistake could be fatal. the sound of his own heartbeat fills his ears, drowning out everything else.

with a swift and precise swing, minho manages to incapacitate the zombie, but it's not over yet. more undead could be drawn by the noise. he hurries to the door, but as he reaches for the knob, he freezes once more.

outside, a small group of zombies has gathered, their lifeless eyes fixated on the house. panic surges through minho as he realizes his dire situation. he's trapped, surrounded, and there's no way out.

in a desperate attempt to survive, he scans the room for any escape routes. his eyes land on a broken window, and without hesitation, he shatters the remaining glass, ignoring the pain from the cuts. he climbs through, his heart pounding with each passing second.

as he lands on the other side, he doesn't look back, knowing he can't afford to waste any time. minho runs, his breaths labored, and his body fueled by the adrenaline coursing through his veins. he pushes through the pain, the loss, and the loneliness, driven by the determination to keep going, to find a way to survive, even if it means facing this apocalyptic world alone.

minho sprints through the desolate streets, his breaths ragged and heart pounding with fear. the haunting groans of the undead resonate all around him, a chilling reminder of the dangers lurking in the darkness.

his mind is burdened with memories of friends lost, but he knows he must press on if he wants to stay alive.

suddenly, a group of zombies emerge from the shadows, closing in on minho. panic sets in as he swings his metal pipe with desperation, attempting to fend them off. but he's outnumbered and fatigued, and it seems like there's no escape.

just as the situation appears dire, a blur of movement catches minho's eye. A stranger named jisung, clad in worn yet practical gear, effortlessly dispatches the zombies with calculated strikes. his movements are swift and precise, a seasoned fighter well-versed in combat.

jisung steps forward, a calm yet determined expression on his face. "come with me if you want to live," he says, extending a hand to minho.

minho's exhaustion and desperation override any doubts he may have about trusting a stranger. he grasps jisung's hand, and they both retreat into a nearby alleyway, away from the relentless undead.

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