free icecream

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Jisung strolled into the charming ice cream shop, a grin forming on his face when he spotted his friend Hyunjin behind the counter. The cozy aroma of freshly made waffle cones enveloped him, instantly putting him in a good mood.

"Hey, Hyunjin! How's it going?" Jisung called out cheerfully.

Hyunjin's face lit up as he saw Jisung. "Jisung! Perfect timing. We've got some new flavors you've got to try."

As Jisung perused the colorful array of flavors, the gentle jingle of the shop's entrance announced the arrival of another customer. Jisung's heart skipped a beat when he looked up and saw the boy who had just walked in—a boy with an endearing smile and the cutest messy hair.

Hyunjin's friendly voice broke the spell. "Welcome to Sweet Scoops! We're running a special today: free ice cream for pairs. Bring a partner, and you get a sweet treat on the house."

The boy's eyes lit up playfully. "Well, that sounds like a fun deal."

Jisung stepped forward, trying to keep his composure as his heart raced. "I'll have a scoop of strawberry, please."

Hyunjin raised an eyebrow, a teasing glint in his eyes. "Going solo, Jisung?"

Jisung's gaze flickered to the boy beside him, his cheeks tinged with a faint blush. "Actually, no. I'm here with my boyfriend." He pointed a thumb towards the cute boy, a mixture of excitement and nervousness fluttering in his stomach.

The cute boy's eyes widened in surprise, a faint pink dusting his cheeks. "Oh, um, hi. I'm Minho."

Jisung extended his hand, a shy smile gracing his lips. "Jisung. Nice to meet you."

As Minho shook Jisung's hand, Hyunjin couldn't help but smile mischievously. "Jisung and Minho, huh? Well, since you're a couple, there's just one tiny requirement for the free ice cream."

Jisung's curiosity piqued. "Requirement?"

Hyunjin leaned forward with a grin. "Yup, a kiss! You've got to kiss to receive your ice cream."

Jisung chuckled nervously, his gaze shifting to Minho, who was now blushing furiously. "It's just a small thing, right?"

Minho fidgeted, his shyness evident. "Uh, yeah, it's just... I mean..."

Jisung's heart melted at Minho's adorable flustered state. He turned to face Minho, his voice soft. "It's okay if you're not comfortable. We don't have to."

Minho peeked up through his lashes, a shy smile tugging at his lips. "I mean, if you're okay with it, I am too."

Jisung's smile widened, his heart fluttering. "I'm definitely okay with it."

And so, in the cozy corner of the ice cream shop, Jisung and Minho shared a sweet, tentative kiss. The bell above the door seemed to chime cheerfully in approval, and the delighted chuckles of Hyunjin added to the warmth of the moment.

As they pulled away, Minho's cheeks were as pink as the strawberry ice cream they were about to enjoy.


With the lingering taste of their ice creams still on their lips, Jisung and Minho settled into a cozy conversation at one of the ice cream shop's small tables. The soft glow of the shop's lights cast a warm ambiance around them.

As they chatted about everything from their favorite flavors to their shared interests, Jisung found himself captivated by Minho's easygoing charm and the way his laughter was as contagious as their ice cream indulgence.

Jisung cleared his throat, his heart racing a little faster. "Hey, Minho, I had a really great time talking with you."

Minho's smile brightened, his eyes locking onto Jisung's. "Yeah, me too. You're really easy to talk to."

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