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In a cozy bedroom, Minho lay tucked under the covers, feeling the weight of discomfort as he realized his legs were trapped.

Panic surged through him, and he frantically struggled to free himself, but the fabric seemed to tighten around his limbs, constricting his movements. He gasped for breath, his mind racing with anxiety.

Jisung, Minho's caring boyfriend, noticed his distress and hurried to his side. Concern etched across his face as he tried to understand what was happening.

He gently touched Minho's arm, hoping to offer comfort and support. "Minho, what's wrong? Are you okay?" Jisung asked with worry, but Minho's panic had rendered him nonverbal.

Jisung's heart sank as he realized Minho couldn't communicate his distress. With a mix of determination and tenderness, he carefully reached for the tangled blankets, delicately attempting to loosen their grip on Minho's legs. His fingers moved gingerly, his touch reassuring despite the urgency in his actions.

As Jisung diligently worked to free Minho, he softly whispered words of reassurance. "Minho, I'm here. I won't let anything happen to you. We'll get through this together." His voice, laced with affection, sought to provide solace amidst the overwhelming situation.

Despite his best efforts, the blankets seemed stubbornly unyielding. Jisung's brows furrowed with worry, his heartache increasing as he watched Minho's panic intensify. The room filled with Minho's rapid breathing and the sound of fabric rustling, amplifying the tension in the air.

In a moment of inspiration, Jisung grabbed a nearby pillow and gently placed it under Minho's head. Then, he shifted his focus to freeing just one of Minho's legs. Slowly and carefully, he managed to extricate it from the tangled grasp of the blankets. The relief on Minho's face was palpable as he felt the liberation of that limb.

With the tension easing, Jisung's efforts redoubled. He continued his patient endeavor, methodically unraveling the fabric from around Minho's legs. With each gentle tug, Minho's distress began to subside, his body gradually relaxing.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Jisung succeeded in freeing Minho from the clutches of the entangled blankets. As Minho's legs were released, he let out a shaky breath, his panic gradually receding. He turned his gaze towards Jisung, his eyes filled with gratitude and love, though his voice remained unresponsive.

Jisung enveloped Minho in a warm embrace, offering a comforting presence that spoke volumes. He held Minho close, his touch conveying an unspoken promise that he would always be there, ready to support him through any challenge.

In the peaceful embrace of Jisung's arms, Minho found solace. Despite the distressing experience, their bond had only grown stronger.

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