Chapter 9: The Past Haunts

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                   ***Becky's POV***

"I'm so sorry, but I can't be with you anymore," I whispered softly, ensuring no one else overheard.

I attempted to release myself from her grasp, but she held on tighter.

"I deserve a better explanation than this," she replied.

"One minute is up!" a staff member called out.

"Meet me at the park, same time as before. I'll be waiting for you there. I want to understand," she commanded, and then she let go and walked away.

I continued to feign a smile and thanked her as she walked away, wiping her tears. Though my mind was clouded at that moment, I couldn't reveal that to anyone. This part of my life had to remain hidden, not only for the sake of my career but also for Freen's sake.

The event continued until the final person approached me. She was an average girl in her twenties, wearing big round glasses, with well-done bangs and her hair in a ponytail. She smiled as she handed me a small brown envelope and asked me to sign the back of the photos. I nodded and quickly opened the envelope to see the pictures. As I pulled them halfway out, I realized it was a photo of Freen and me from the night she passed out. The photo captured the moment when I was hugging her from behind. I swiftly placed the photos back into the envelope and looked directly into the girl's eyes.

"What's this? Why are you doing this?" I asked.

The girl smiled and leaned closer to me.

"Is she your girlfriend? I saw her here earlier too. Don't worry, I can keep a secret. And please don't misunderstand, I didn't stalk you. I just happened to be passing by when I saw you heading towards her house, so I decided to check on you," she whispered quietly.

I let out a fake laugh, as that mere picture couldn't be proof of our relationship. Thank God the van's windows were tinted and closed when I kissed her; it would be difficult to explain that away.

"She's my friend, and we just had an argument. It's normal; I have arguments with all my friends," I responded confidently.

I took the photos out completely, signed them, and put them back into the envelope. Then, I handed them back to her, thanking her for coming. I concluded the event by taking the microphone and expressing gratitude to everyone present.

As soon as the event ended, I hurriedly made my way to the van where Mike was waiting to drive me home. Trisha had already left earlier to attend a family gathering.

I glanced out the window as Mike drove slowly, and finally, my mind had a chance to process everything. I couldn't help but wonder what I had done before that led Freen to ask for a breakup. She had told me that she didn't love me anymore, but did I do something to make her fall out of love? What could it be? What does Irene know? Freen also asked me to meet up with her later. She deserves a proper explanation, but I can't tell her that I'm scared that she will leave me again. I can't reveal the real reason why I had to let her go. I can't remind her of the past if she can't remember it. No, I don't want her to recall it. I don't want her to remember what I did that almost cost her life. Should I go there tonight?

"Ms. Becky, we're here," I heard Mike call out as he tried to wake me up.

Seems like all the thinking I had to do wore me out. I gathered my things before heading outside.

"Oh, by the way, Hiro's waiting for you outside," Mike said.

"What? Why?" I asked, surprised, and Mike just shrugged his shoulders.

I knew Hiro took Mr. Chen's words seriously, but dealing with that today wasn't something I wanted to handle. I stepped out of the van and saw Hiro's car parked in front of our house. He was standing there, waving at me. I rolled my eyes and walked over to him.

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