Chapter 16: I Am Yours

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***Becky's POV***

I walked outside to look for Freen and Irene. I sensed that the guy grilling fish had his eyes on Freen, and I wouldn't allow him a chance to grow fond of her. She's mine.

Approaching the stall, the sight of the guy brushing his hands on Freen's hair is making my blood boil. I briskly walked toward them.

"Babe? What are you doing?" Out of nowhere, those words spilled from my lips as I grasped Freen's hands and pulled her away from the guy. It felt as though my body temperature was rising, staring at Freen's surprised face. She didn't utter a word, she just stood there, gazing directly into my eyes, seemingly confused by what I had just said.

Why did I say that? Because she's mine. I don't enjoy sharing what belongs to me, and that includes Freen.

"Oh, are you her girlfriend?" The guy asked.

Startled by the question, I was silent for a moment. Freen continued to look at me, now with one eyebrow raised. It seemed like she was waiting for my answer.

"Yes, I am. And you are?" I extended my hand to shake hands with him.

"I'm Michael," he answered, reaching out for my hand. "I was just removing the coal ash from her hair earlier. Don't worry, I'm not going to steal her from you," he continued.

"Oh, you can't," I confidently told him, and finally, my blood pressure feels calmer now.

In my peripheral vision, I see Freen smiling. I know it's because of what I'm doing. It may seem childish to her, but that's how I protect what's important to me.

It took a few more minutes and a lot of silence between the three of us for our order to be ready. Michael packed it and put it into a clear plastic bag, handing it over to me.

"Since when did I become your girlfriend? Please remind me," Freen asked, wearing a smirk on her face as we walked back to the hotel.

I stopped for a moment and stared into her eyes before locking my hands with hers. "Today," I confidently answered before resuming walking.

"By the way, where's Irene?" I asked Freen.

"She said she'll just buy some drinks, and she did not come back," Freen answered.

"Just text her and tell her we are on our way back to the hotel," I told Freen.

"I'm here!" Irene shouted as she ran close to us.

"What took you so long?" Freen asked.

"Why are you holding hands? Did I miss something here?" Irene teased.

I took a glance at Freen and saw that she seemed hesitant to answer Irene.

"What's so wrong with holding my girlfriend's hand?" I answered Irene.

Irene's eyes widened as she heard my answer.

I think it's easy to be with Freen in a place where no one knows us. I think it's easy to be with her in a place where there are no expectations from us. I can show my love for her without any judgment from other people.

"Are you really official now?" Irene asked, still seemingly surprised by the news she heard.

Yes, I want to shout about it to the whole world. I want everyone to know that my heart is so happy that I am with Freen again. But I can't. Right now, I can only whisper this sincerity in Irene and Freen's ears.

"Yes," Freen answered, wearing a smile on her face.

We had our lunch in the hotel and took a quick nap. Irene wanted to celebrate this day by going to the bar tonight. I reluctantly agreed to go with them because I'm not really a big fan of getting drunk with a bunch of people just dancing around to the beat of party songs. I just want to have a peaceful quiet night by the beach and just be with Freen, but she insisted that we go just to show gratitude to Irene for taking us here.

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