Chapter 11: The Stalker

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                  ***Freen's POV***

"Shit," Becky mumbled, her right hand on her head, breathing heavily.

We tried to run after the person who was watching us but we couldn't catch up. I know Becky is worried the person might leak the photos and ruin her career. Yet, here I am, concerned about her safety, worried that someone is watching her every move.

"Do you want to report this to the police?" I asked Becky. She did not respond, walking towards the bus stop near the park without looking at me. I followed her, trying to get a response. She acted as if she didn't hear me, as if she regretted that kiss, as if she regretted coming here to meet me.

"Text me when you're home," I worriedly told her before she entered the bus. She walked a little closer to me.

"I gave you what you want, Freen. Let's end this. Just keep your end of the bargain," she whispered those words coldly before turning her back and entering the bus.

I stood by the bus stop as the echoes of those painful words drummed into my head. It's time to let her go. It's time to move forward. It's time to unlove her.

It's past 2 AM. The bus dropped me off at the nearest stop from our house. Walking home, a flash of light beamed across the street. I gazed in its direction, seeing a person with a hoodie running away. I ran until we got to a dead-end street.

"Who are you?" I shouted, trembling, mustering courage to face this person. I don't know what they'll do with Becky, but I won't let them hurt her.

The person wore a mask, so I couldn't see their face, but the eyes looked familiar.

"Why? Scared I'll leak the photos, right?" The person in the hoodie spoke, a familiar, menacing voice. "I won't leak the photos if you agree to my deal. If not, I will ruin Becky's life."

***Becky's POV***

There are some things in life that are just not meant to be. No matter how strong our emotions are, some relationships are just too fragile to last. Even if Freen and I fell for each other again, I fear that it wouldn't work out. I have a career to take care of, and there are still memories that haven't resurfaced yet. She wanted to break up with me in the past, and Irene told me that I was the reason why. I don't think I can handle that kind of pain again.

I hope I can find a way to let her go. I hope she'll hurt me so badly that I won't ever want to see her again. I hope she'll put me in so much pain that the thought of her won't make my heart flutter anymore.

Now that someone has probably captured us kissing, I can't help but worry about what will happen if the photos are leaked. It could ruin my career, and it could ruin Freen's peaceful life that I've been trying to protect.

Who could be stalking me? Why would they do this? I know I have crazy fans, but they usually know how to respect my privacy outside of the camera. After all these years in the industry, this is the first time someone has followed me like this. I wonder how much they know about me now.

Come to think of it, there was a girl at one of my fan meetings who showed me a picture of Freen and me when I visited her house. Could she be the one who's been following me?

I need to get the list of the people who bought the VIP Ticket on the fan meeting that day. Maybe that way I can find who the person was and confront her. If I can get a proof that she have been following me, then I will make sure to take legal actions against her.

I have been scrolling through X, Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook, searching for any updates if the stalker has posted any photos of me and Freen. It's currently 5 A.M., but I still cannot sleep. The thought of my career being ruined terrifies me. I fear that everyone will direct their hate towards Freen, and I cannot bear to witness that.

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