Chapter 16: The Jock

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Nate :

October 2011

Sasha and I stood at the side the bustling Freshmen hallway before first period.With a huge sigh, she closed her locker with a huff.
The hallway was decorated with pumpkin paper lanterns and 'floating ' witches and other fun creepy stuff that decorated certain intervals of the schools hallway as others looked personally a tad overkill to me.The banners with colors associated with Halloween.The paper puppets swayed above the lights of creepy mystical creatures.
"Halloween isn't even till I don't know the freaking 31st of October!"Sasha pointed out angrily.
"I don't mind though, don't franchise's like Tim decorates anyway."I replied, not really caring.
"And we aren't kids anymore,"She ranted on as others were eager to go to morning lessons or shop the fall themed sweets and treats at the cafeterias.
"Yes, we are ?We're fourteen."
"Almost fifteen, by the way."
Sasha raised her nose and scrunched them as the others bolted past."Pure capitalism at its finest."she remarked.
I sighed dramatically and ran my hands through my face with a loud dramatic groan.
"Oh my God."
"But it is capitalism."
"Someone freaking kill me now.Sasha ,girl, I love you, but seriously, not everything is about fascism,communism, and the flying potato bull crap."
The eleventh and twelve graders sauntered by.They were much embrassesd by the decorations as we were.They opted the student council to do a dance instead because they felt older and more mature.
"Let them have fun, goddammit."I retorted ,my voice an octave.Sasha looked at me wide-eyed and confused.
"Nate, since when did you become the sensible one?"
I shrugged unbothered by her strange renark ever since I survived the shit show of demons and haunted houses.I become a changed man.
Man ,I sound like those cheesy, reglious folk who go to chruch every Sunday.I shuddered inwardly as the world blurred like a watercolor painting.The voices drowned out and I felt as if I was floating.Then all the sounds canceled out like I was staring out of a glass helmet.I brought out my fingers stared at them ,clenched and unclenched them as the world around me dissolved.My head pounded and my heart hammered like a hammer.My breathing hitched as I tried to calm myself.
You are real.
You are alive.
This ...this isn't real.My voice got choked in my throat as I tried to get the feeling of nerves back to my system.I leaned my heavy body on a random locker and hoped for the best.
As fast as it came as fast as it vanished till colour and sound leaked back and I was on two feet and the loud chorus of students passed by.
"Nathaniel!"Sasha snapped her fingers at me then I blinked,staggered and looked around.
"Sorry,"I apologized with an embrassesd smile as I ran my fingers through my tousled blonde hair as Sasha looked at me with apparent confusion.She pursed her lips as her ponytail whipped with her motion.
"God ,Nate . You've been acting so off .Are you sure you're okay.Been in the right headspace ?"She pressed.
I flashed a cheeky smile at her as something odd caught my eye.It was a puppet witch that swayed above us with an evil smile ,covered in moles and pea green like the Witch from the Wizard of Oz.
Sasha pursed her lips and eyed it with a frown.
"It looks kinda stupid."I commented with a smile as she placed her hands on her hips after she gave me a pointed look.
"It is stupid.It's stereotypical.Real witches don't look like that."
I shrugged then gaped at her ,"Yashio.Witches don't exist."I retorted.
She shook her head at me."Nate ,you are so ignorant about this.Witches do exist they perform spells and have familiars."
I gaped at her even harder what ever joke I had in mind quickly dissolved.I rolled my eyes."They aren't real."I complained not believing what I just muttered even though I just realized that haunted houses and demons exist now.I adjusted the strap of my backpack.
Her blue eyes widened,"Yes ,they do.I 'very met them."she replied with a mere shrug."Some of them are pagan and others are in the Wiccan."
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"Anyone feel the Halloween spirit?"I joked with my fist up as others glared at me or gawker at my lame attempt of a joke.I beamed ,"what is Halloween."
The cafeteria was alive with chatter and laughter as students went to collect their food and buy pumpkin spice lattes and pumpkin cakes as Sasha eyed them with distain.
Thalia ,Hayley and oddly enough Ali sat in our round table today.It reminded me of the of the Avengers group table of the most unluckily heroes.Since Ali hated my guts so doss Hayley and Thalia found me a certified dumbass.
But Ali was busy on his laptop.He was engrossed on it and his fingers flew over the keyboard but laid haphazardly on the table was a half eaten turkey sandwich.When the internet was on there was no stopping the brown sharp boy as he shoved his glasses onto his face.
With a raised brow , I pointed at him with a confused look."Um ,what is he doing here ?"
Sasha gaped at me and face palmer as Hayley snorted.
Initially,Sasha was a brunette with blonde highlights but dyed it on eighth grade as rebellion against her mom.
Ali chuckled and glared at me so hard like sharp razors."Why not ?A seat is a seat."he raised his chin and kissed his teeth ."And so who owns this table." He pursed it harder."No one."
My ears turned red as Hayely laughed her body shook as Ali smiled in victory.
"B-But you don't even like me or us ."
I averted my gaze to the other table filled with kids that are skinny :the math wizards and tech kids.
He sighed ,"We had a fall-out.They don't want to game with me anymore.Can you believe them.They called me rude and conceited and arrogant.My petty scams on the internet."
I averted my gaze and tried to swallow my laughter and the urge to tell him is true.He also had anger issues too.
Hayley stared lovey dovey at her Algebra textbook while carelessly twirling her pho tan Mei noodles with a grin.
I never knew that equations could make a girl blush easily if I'd known I would tried that eons ago.I fought the urge to roll my eyes and gag myself.
Ali shrugged with indifference when he peeked on her textbook.
Thalia looked so confused and played with her navy hoodie (that honestly was too big on her) or eyed the lights or with the hem of her skirt.
She blinked at everyone and looked around.In front of her was a small book ,dog eared called Think Big ,a book on reglion I guessed.
My eyes landed on Hayley who was still glued to her phone as I cleared my throat loud as she pursed her lips into a thin line and held my gaze.My lips peeled into a smile as she narrowed her eyes.
"So Hayley have you seen a pic of James ' noodle ?"I asked , Hayley paused and coughed hard.Ali snorted and glared at me.Thalia's forkful of noodles froze mid way in her mouth as she turned to watch as Sasha almost did a double take.
"Um ,guys . What's going on ?"Thalia asked confused as she looked around the group shocked faces.Her eyes widened,"Seriously guys what happened ?I have no I have no idea what is going on ?" She repeated as we suddenly went quiet.She shook her head again.
Sasha's eyes widened as she screamed,"No ,is nothing . Don't bother."
I shook my head rembering that I used to innocent like her about two years ago.I needed to educate her at some point so I cleared my throat and went on .
"So it is when someone sends an intimate----" I was cut off by Sasha who smacked my shoulders with her first hard and dug her nails into my shoulders.I bit my lip to prevent a scream or a curse.
" It's nothing."She replied.
Thalia blinked still confused as Ali awkwardly typed away.
Hayley stared at me, horrified and disgusted."Ew ,Nate . That's gross and none of your beeswax."She screamed out her ears a deep red.
I raised a brow still not convinced.Pastel girl and glitter vomit.He's a sixteen year old boy of course he done something shady.
She rubbed her neck and murmured so low I needed to lean forward."No ,he hasn't sent one."The table was quiet then she stared at the notebook and her cold brown noodles."unfortunately."
I almost gasped as Sasha stared at her.I wanted to gag again but sweet innocent Thalia just looked at us as if we sidelined her from a decent conversation.
"Guys literally what the hell are we taking about ?" She screamed.
"Are you sure he hadn't sent you one and what do you mean unfortunately?" I retorted surprised.
Thalia closed her eyes tight and stared at her spaghetti cabonara completely obliovous."I don't understand why we are talking about noodles."she went on."I don't also understand the correlation of noodles ,your dramatic reactions and Hayley's boyfriend."she spun the noodles with deep thought.
"Well has he sent some noobs to you ?"I pressed the room got tensed again as Sasha stuck her fork at me and Ali sent me the stink eye and Thalia just blinked.
"Because if he did he could go to jail for it because I don't know you are a freaking minor !" I lectured with narrowed eyes. "Or have you sent any noods to him as well."A sharp pain spread throughout my body.
Sasha glared at me and scroweled.She stuck her fork into my arm deep."Nate ,that's enough can't you seen your are condemning her.How is any of this your concen ?"She bit out with gritted teeth.
I took a deep breathe then winced at a burning and furious Sasha.
Hayley took a deep breath and screamed ,"No I have not done any of those things.Thank you very much."
"Sure you haven't seen a shirt pic right ?"I pressed.
"Stop it !"Hayley screaned angrily till she was on her feet.The cafeterias become quiet.The conversations died down and some people stopped to gawk.
"Sorry ."She apologized with a frown as Thalia blinked.
"Can we change this damned conversation now ?"Sasha asked.
Everyone nodded in agreement.

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