The Beast

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Chapter 4

As if on cue the one on my left interrupted my thoughts and said:

"You must be wondering why in the world you're in a bed with 6 men looking at you while you sleep!?"

"Well i didn't wonder why i was on a bed, but the second part you were right though" i said a bit sleepily.

"Well, who the hell are you and what the hell are you doing here?" The man who was scowling at me with green eyes asked more annoyed than angry.

"What.The.Actual.Fuck??? I just woke up and he's treating me like i'm some kind of piece of shit that has been on his shoe for almost a whole day... Oh god i'm in a bad mood now... hurgh" i thought while my face contorted into a slight frown.

"Well, Firstly, take it easy because i've only just woke up. Secondly, you're a grown up man and don't have the right to ask so rudely a woman's name has you asked me! Even if you think you're the best, because were all going to the same place when we die. Thirdly, i've done nothing to deserve being treated like shit, by you or anyone else, just because i don't know where the hell am i and without knowing why you hate me! Lastly, my name is Andreia Patrao and as i already said i don't know the reason why I'm here." I said angrily at him, but the part when i introduced myself was sweetly.

I let out an angry and frustrated sigh. I looked at their faces and saw all of them full of shock.

My face was like "what?!". Suddenly the man who had shoot me that rude questions had a really angry face O_O "I feel like I'm in trouble... wait let me rephrase that... i AM in trouble!!"

My mind thought that but my face was forming a frown again because i still felt angry about the form he made his questions. Like i would know why i was there?!

That damn man looks like a Beast ready to pursue his prey. His eyes showed completely his anger and... wait is that...

A/N: I know i'm bad because of the cliff hanger, but i keep writing long chapters! Hugh i don't know what to do! So see you next chapter Bye bye

The Beast prince and The Lion girlWhere stories live. Discover now