The Nightish Ball

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Chapter 27

The rest of the day passed swiftly and without other problems around.

~Some days later~

I woke up in my bed and smiled. I was happy, not that 'i am happy because i have this or that' but just happy without any reason. It was rare to be happy in the mornings so i got out of bed, dressed myself and went to the dinning room to have breakfast

When i reached the room Keith was there seeming to wait for me.

"Good morning!" I said cheerfully with a big smile on my face

"Hey, good morning! Why so cheerful? You usually aren't like that..." he said smiling too

Yes he actually smiles more now but his attitude remains the same

"I just woke happy! And you? You seem to be in an awfully good mood too!"

"The same reason. Three days from now Nobel Michael will throw another ball and the other princes, mainly Roberto, asked me if you wanted to go"

"Hum? Another? Ok i'll go, i miss them already!"

"Good you're going with me and the dress will be in your room on the same day" he said, stood and went to work

I just sat there like 'What just happened?' But soon went to my room

I thought about my mom and dad... what were they doing, what was happening... i missed them of course but... i was happy here and didn't want to leave... but i'm not from this world... and i know that someday... i will leave them behind...

Just that thought depressed me enough and i dismissed it. I have to think positive! I have to enjoy being here and live while i'm young! YOLO XD

~Three days later~

The ball is today and is, as the balls at Nobel Michael always are, a themed one. It's theme it's the night, like the moon, stars and all that.

My dress was beautiful, long dark blue and was opened on one leg. (I don't know how to explain it so i leave you the dress and the jewelry above) I had also a necklace with a blue moon with a star (yes i made it a necklace because you can attach it), some sort of star crown, simple bracelets, earrings and a small black purse to go with it all and to bring my phone. My make up was light with dark blue hues.

When the maids got out i just stood there admiring my mirror. How could i be like this i almost look like a princess... almost
Keith entered the room without knocking, maybe because we were late? I don't know, but when he looked at me any words he had to say seemed to vanish and he stood there looking at me

I was feeling awkward and embarrassed so i was the first one to break the silence

"We should go, we might arrive late!"

"Huh? Y-yes let's go" he said and i almost swear on my life that he was blushing but i didn't quite catch it

~Two hours later~

We reached Nobel Michael and were stopped by paparazzi, i heard somethings really absurd, but somehow they only enlightened my already good mood, like:

"Hey, she's so pretty! Is she his fiancee?"

And other that were much worse:

"Of course not! Look at her she's so ugly and clearly lacks on grace"

I guess that one was true, so i mustered all my courage, straightened my back and walked like a real lady

The ones who said that i lacked on grace just shut their mouths and i smirked amused

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