The Accident and The Other World

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Chapter 41

And off we went to Liberty on a plane.

Oh god... i never rode a plane...

I took a seat a little ways from them since thay had things to talk about the problem the country was

But i was pulled to a seat beside Keith and he glanced at me and i saw that i had to listen too. I didn't know why but it was better if i just listened and quiet down for now

Luke explained that the biggest bank in Liberty had made too much bad loans. I may not know much about it but i know if the bank give out too much bad loans and don't get the money back, the country will be in a economic crisis, and that's not good.

"Andreia sorry that you had to leave early because of this, you're not even from this country..." i cut Keith off

"Hey, hey, hey! You're right, i wanted to be in the party, and i'm not from your country, but i live there don't i? I may not know much about politics but the few things i caught on my philosophy class made me understand a little that this situation it's really bad, so i'm worried as well" i finished with a sigh of frustration

Why am i like this?

They were dumbfounded looking at me

"What? You don't need to talk or something?" I asked turning away embarrassed

"No, we will talk more as soon i reach there and see the state of the situation" he said and laid his head on my shoulder
Luke disappeared suddenly

"Just let me be like this a little..."

"Ok..." i said laying my head on top of his and falling asleep

I woke to the plane shaking uncontrollably and looking like it was falling

I looked to my side and Keith wasn't there. I began to look every place there was without standing up, because that would be a bad idea.

Then Keith appeared and buckled me and himself to the seats

"K-keith? W-what's happening?" I said scared, this is just my first time flying, i don't wanna die!

"Nothing too bad. Just one of the plane engines stopped working and the other is giving up too. There's a little island in front and the pilot will land the plane there" he said grabbing my hand to reassure me

"O-ok..." i said gripping his hand like my life depended on it

We landed just fine fortunately and i grabbed my bag that i had prepared with a bad feeling today. I took out some leggings and a T-shirt and went to the small cubicle of the bathroom i dressed in that and walked out. I put on my sneakers and my hair in a ponytail

I looked to Keith and he had his eyes widened. I handed him the clothes he usually wears while playing basket and sneakers

"Wha? How?" He asked

"I had a bad feeling" i said taking out my phone seeing that there was no network and we were stuck

"Shoot, no network" i search my bag for my switchblade and was making my way out of the plane

"Wait! Why are you heading out? It's not safe!" Keith said holding me back

"It was my first time on a airplane so i want to get out and kiss the floor for being alive. And you said the other engine wasn't in it's best condition, i think it's safer outside like if the engine just decides to explode or something" i explained my side of the story

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