Worrying and Grounded

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Chapter 29

After that, Keith drove us back to the Manse in his Camaro that rescued me yesterday.

"The other princes already know what happened, after Cathy heard you she told me and i called them. Last night i called them again saying that you were safe" Keith said explaining the worry the others had

"And Cathy asked me if she could see you when we arrived, so we're going to meet her ok?"

"Ok, we? You don't have work to do?"

"Not much, i can take a break"

"I don't want you to overwork yourself ok?"

"Yes, but you will be on my watch for the next few days"

"Geez, it seems like i did something i shouldn't and i'm grounded..."

"Almost..." he said with a grin

"I knew it!"

"Hahaha no it's not it's for protection"


We reached the Manse and we got out of the car

"Finally home!" I said relieved

"You already consider this home?"

"Stange enough, but yes! I feel at ease here, and know some people. Why? I shouldn't?"

"No it's not that, it's fun that only like one week has passed and you already call this home"

"So, let's see Cathy?"

"Yes, she must be in our special place"

"Ok, lead the way because i will get lost"

He laughed and led the way.

When we reached the gazebo, Cathy was already there seeming kind of depressed

"Hey Cathy, why so depressed?" I asked smiling

"Andreia!" She jumped and ran to hug me with all her might

"Hey, calm down i'm ok, your brother and Joshua saved me"

"I know, but i was so worried, i heard your scream but i was too late and i was scared too" she said in the verge of tears

"Please, don't cry! I was scared too but you know what i did to the bastard that kidnapped me?" I said grinning

"What?" She asked with a half-smile

"I kicked him where the sun doesn't shine and punched him right in the face doing a K.O"

"Really? He went unconscious?"

"Yep, i may not seem so, but i have a lot of strength in me!" I said proudly

"Wow, but you said you were scared! How did you do it?"

"I was scared for my life but he talked bad about your brother and the other princes, and touched me on my cheek so i snapped and did that"

"You're so strong!"

"No i'm not. I'm just an average girl"

At that moment Keith started to laugh


"Joshua sent me a photo of Leonardo taken today by a spy, do you want to see it?"

"Of course"

He showed me the photo and i broke down laughing. He had one side of his face, the side i punched, bruised, like really bad.

"OMG! I did that?"

"Remember me to don't piss you off" Keith said laughing with me

We showed the photo to Cathy and she laughed with us.

I felt my phone vibrate and i picked up


'That's our Andy!'

"Robbie! Hahaha Thanks!"

'I knew that bastard wasn't a match to you!'

"He was just distracted, it was easy"

'How did you bruised him?'

"With a punch in the face"

'A punch? You're strong girl!'

"Yup i have to go now Robbie, and you too go to work!"

'Fine, fine see you soon'

"See you"

The call ended and i turned to Keith and Cathy they were looking at me


"Nothing you look close with Roberto" Cathy said Keith nodded

"Yes i am close to him, but i am also close with Keith and the others, why the sudden affirmation?"

"Oh really? Nothing, i have to go i'm tired" Cathy said going to her little house

"Ok, take care ok?"

"Ok bye!"

And then we went back to the castle and i had to follow Keith to his study because i was 'grounded'

I then fell asleep on the couch because i was bored out of my mind

I then felt myself being lifted so i opened my eyes to see Keith carrying me


Andy: today is a shorter one sorry!

Bye bye

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