My Unlucky Luck

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Chapter 17

"Don't read too much in that kiss Roberto in Portugal it's completly normal for friends to do that" Wills said making my moral go down a bit.

"Ok..." And we went to our rooms to sleep.

Andy's POV~

In the next morning i woke up with Zain and he gave me my breakfast.

Mike called me so i went to do my hygiene and dressed a pair of shorts, flats and a top. I have to be prepared if something like yesterday happens again.

I went to the conference room and there were the other princes.

"Morning Andy!" Roberto said happily.

Today i'm not in a bad mood like yesterday and i think the others are afraid that i actually am in a bad mood

"Good morning Robbie-bear!" I said in a more cheerful tone than Robbie.

"Wow she's in a good mood. Thank God!" Keith said with a sigh of relief.

"Good morning to you to Mr. Grumpy! Morning guys! Morning Mike!" I said with a smile.

"Good morning my child!" Mike said smiling.

Mike sometimes looks like Dumbledore from Harry potter.

"Morning Andy" The rest said

Joshua seemed to be in a bad mood

I went to him and gave him a hug

"Hey Joshy what's wrong? Are you in a bad mood?" I asked still hugging him and he returned the hug saying

"Didn't sleep too well, but don't worry Andy" He said sleepy

"Don't overwork yourself too much ok?" I said worried

"Ok! I said you didn't have to worry!" He said sounding annoyed

"Hey friends worry you know? And sleeping it's the most important thing for people who work hard and a lot if you don't have it, it can cause more problems!" I said sounding an expert in the matter. 'Like a boss!' Hehehe

"Ok i know, i know!" He said and gave me a kiss on the forehead.

"So why was i called?" I asked still in Joshua's embrace and turning to Mike

"Because i know you don't have a home because it burned down and you were supposed to live here, but if you stay here you'll be bored to death right?" Mike stated

"Yeah maybe..." i said in a small voice

"She has a shy side to her too?" Mike asked surprised

"Yeah our Andy is shy sometimes!" Roberto said grinning

"She looks like a little puppy! No matter so i asked the other kingdoms if you could stay there. They all accepted so it's up to you to where you want to go" Mike explained.

"Puppy? Everyone calls me puppy now! But to choose one kingdom?"

"Yes, who called you puppy besides me?" Mike asked

"This big guy that's holding me. Now, i can't really choose and would be a little unfair for the other kingdoms so maybe if we write all the kingdoms in different pieces of paper and then i would pick one up?" I suggested and they agreed.

"Ok i need all my luck now!"

I reached for the bag that contained the papers and retrieved one

I unfolded the paper and read what was written inside.

"Jesus Freaking Christ why? Tell me why? Why not Altaria or Philip?" I was really pissed and went to the door

"I'm going to pack!" I said. Now i'm in a bad mood

I was walking out the door and said before shutting it

"Luck my a..." the door closed before i finished and i went to pack

Keith's POV

"What do you think she got?" I asked unsure why she was like that

"Do you still need to question?" Joshua asked

"Oh crap..." i said

"Are you sure?" I asked a little afraid of her

"Positive" Wilfred said

"I'm screwed aren't i?" I asked

"I think you are Keithykins" Roberto said

"Well you're leaving in an hour so go say goodbye before going!" Mike said

We went to see the girl that just stormed out of the room


Andy: This is it. The princes aren't here today they had a meeting or something. So hope you enjoyed and see you all next chapter! Bye bye

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