The Amazing Game and The Surprise Meeting

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Before i start this i just want to thank you guys for the 1000 views! I was really happy and it gave me even more motivation to continue this storie, like that one coment i received awile back in chapter 7 i think? That gives me lots of motivation to write this and can put a smile in my face for a whole day. I just wanted to say thank you all for reading this and... I Love You!
Now on with the story!

Chapter 32

We went to the gym to start the game

"So, Andreia you stay on my team..." Keith started but i cut him

"What? I choose my own team thank you!"

"Joshua come here!" I said choosing him

"Wha? Me?"


"I won't play i'm not in the mood" Ed said

"Own!" I said sadly

"So Joshy, i can't choose between Robbie or Glenn i think Robbie is better because i think his defence is good and me and you at the hoop. Glenn is like it has an amazing strength on his arms so that's why i think Robbie is better" i whispered to him so he can help me decide

"Why not Keith?"

"Because i want to defeat him"

"That's nearly impossible, i was the one that could defeat him once, and he was drunk"

"Nearly, it's not truly impossible. I think we can win this! We have to have faith!" I said reassuring him

"Are you going to take all day or what?" Keith said already on Beast mode

"Hey, take it easy Hello Keithy! And Robbie you're in my team!" I said happily

"What? I thought you were going to choose Keithykins!"

"No, i want to defeat him!"

"Wha? H-how?" Roberto asked unsure

"Playing of course! Now let me stretch so i won't have any problems"

I started to stretch my head, then my arms, my back, legs, etc.

"Now i'm ready. So Robbie and Joshy, i'm awful at defence, i'm better on the attack." I said whispering to them

"Ok so me and Joshy will do our best to block Keith and Glenn, because they're better at attacking and you block Wills" Robbie said explaining his strategy

"Hum, awesome! Good one we will stick to that and them we'll see if it needs something more" i said agreeing

"Ok! Let's go team BOSS!" Roberto screamed out of nowhere

"Robbie! Why BOSS?"

"Because your last name in english is Boss!"

"Hey... ok!" I said a little embarrassed

"So let the game begin!" Keith said taking the ball and running to the hoop

Joshua was able to take the ball from him and passed to Roberto that passed to me. When he passed the ball to me i noticed that Keith was coming after me because he thought i was weaker than the others, but i ran to the hoop and threw the ball hoping it would pass and... it passed! Our point!

"Beginner's luck" Keith said a little grumpy

"Haha you wish!" I said getting on his nerves

Through all the game i was blocking Wills really well and the result was tied, unfortunately

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