The Apology

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Chapter 26

Soon dinner time has come and i asked Luke to bring it to my room. I ate and went to sleep

~Time skip to morning~

I started to wake up and i am floating... wait... i know this feeling...

I open my brown eyes to see green ones looking back at me showing slight worry and fear

"*Yawn* Um... Keith... What are you doing?" I asked still a bit sleepy

"Huh you're not going to slap me?" He asked afraid

"Not yet, i just woke up... now put me down and get out so i can dress myself" i said noticing that we were still in my room

He got out and i dressed myself in shorts, a top and sneakers. I let my hair down for now.

I got out of my room and Keith was there waiting on me.

"So let's go?" He asked


"Eat breakfast?"


We were sitting and eating breakfast silently, then Keith stands up and extends his hand to me

"What?" I asked in my monotone voice

"Just come..." he said grabbing my hand and guiding me to the garden. After we walked a lot trough the garden's manse he stopped in front of one of the walls and went trough it while i just stared.

"Come on just follow" he sounded irritated so i followed

There were more paths and i followed him. I believe it's like a secret spot or something, i don't know...

Finally we reach some kind of a gazebo that was decorated with red roses, my favourite ones and white ones.

I just stared at it wide eyed because of the beauty.

"Hey, come over..." he was already on the gazebo eying me


"Why did you bring me here? And this is so beautiful! Thank you!" I said giving him a smile

I know i should be mad at him but i don't know why i can't...

"I brought you here so i could talk to you alone and without the possibility of being interrupted. You see, me and my sister are the only ones who knows how to come here or know about this place"

"Oh ok... so what do you want to talk about?"

"Without meaning it i eavesdrop on your conversation with Cathy..."

"So you were listening when i talked about my school life?"

"Yes, and... I am truly sorry! For eavesdropping on you and my sister and..." at this point he was looking me straight in the eyes only guilt and apology showing

"And for saying those things to you at the gathering i should have asked you what really happened and i shouldn't have accused you without proofs" he said his gaze never leaving mine nor wavering

"I just don't know why i do that when i'm around them..." he looked down almost looking ashamed

I reached my arms to him and embrace him

"Hey Keith, i forgive you... i wasn't that mad and maybe you do that because you want to fit in... but i'll tell you something, be yourself more around others, because if you put too much fronts some day they'll tumble down on you, and when you look for someone to help you they'll just treat you like you once treated them" i said sounding like a psychologist or something.

At first he was stiff as a stick when i hugged him but then he hugged back

"Thanks, but i am a prince i was taught since birth to put up fronts" he said sounding a bit sad

"So when we are alone or with the other princes don't do it ok? You can trust me! And if you do something like what you did in that gathering i won't hesitate to slap you again"

"I know, and i'll try..." he said more confidently and breaking the hug

"I have work to do so i'll go now"

"Waaaait! Don't leave me here alone i don't know the way back" i screamed and ran behind him so i wouldn't lose track of him

The rest of the day passed swiftly and without other problems around.


Keithster: i am sorry but Andy isn't feeling so good i think is just the flu or something she really apologizes for not doing a longer chapter... but come on at lesst she's posting right?

Robbie: my dear Andy' i hope she'll be fine by tomorrow!

All minus Andy: Bye bye

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