In Liberty

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Chapter 19

I listened to music and fell asleep after a awhile

(Time skip)

Wha... strange... i'm feeling like i am floating...

I opened one eye to see where i was. I didn't recognize the walls the i looked up to see that i was being held by someone, but i couldn't see clearly because my sight was a bit blurry still.

I opened my other eye and finally could see clearly and saw that i was being held by none other than Keith.

"You're up already?" He asked

"Hum... let me snuggle... a little more and answer... after..." i said sleepy

"Don't it's dinner time and i already went to your room to get you and you were still sleeping so i had to carry you." He said blushing a little

"Hum... is it? I'm getting hungry now that you talk about that, but why didn't you wake me up?" I asked

"Because i didn't want to awake the lion inside you" he said

"And when we reached the dinning room how would you manage?" I asked more awake now

"I hadn't thought about that yet" he said sounding embarrassed

"Ok... Thank you for carrying me" i said giving his cheek a small kiss and giving a smile

He blushed even more. Hahaha he looks cute when he's blushing...

Why am i thinking like this? Stop Andy!

"We're here" He said putting me on the ground.

"Ok, what's dinner?" I asked

"It's a dish from Liberty, hope you like it" he said grinning

"Why are you grinning?" I asked

"Oh! Nothing..."

"Oook..." i said giving a confused look

We sit down and wait for the food. Right after we sit they come in with the said dish.

I was afraid of trying new things because i've never been out of my country, but i tried.

When i took a bite i opened my eyes wide.

"What? Don't like it?" Keith asked
I didn't even notice that he was watching me.

"Don't like it? I LOVE it! It's so good and spicy! I love spicy foods!" I said happily

"Really?" He said sounding astonished

"Really, why?"

"Because every girl i know don't like spicy foods" he stated

"Well i guess i'm different!" I said eating my plate.

"Yeah i guess so" he said in a whisper that i almost didn't catch but i said nothing.

*Le time skip*

"Now it's the dessert" he said rather happy

"Oh... So you have a sweet tooth?" I asked

"Not really..." he said with a slight tinge of pink covering his cheeks

"Ok... What's the dessert?"

"It's chocolate mousse"

"Really? Yey!" I cheered

"What you like chocolate mousse?"

"Yes i love it! I have a bit of a sweet tooth so yeah..."

We ate the dessert and went to our rooms to sleep.


Andy: This is it how i spent my day in Liberty

Keitster: yeah i had to carry you and everything!

Andy: you did that because you wanted to

Robbie: She's right!

Andy: i'm always right!

Joshy: yeah right! Hahaha

Andy: what did you said joshua?

Joshy: huh? Nothing!

Andy: whatever so hope you enjoyed and see you next chapter

All: Bye bye

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