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Context: Crowley has a nightmare where heaven takes his angel away, impulsively grabs the phone and calls Aziraphale, who starts to worry about his friend's well-being.

TW: Panic atack
Ship: Aziraphale x Crowley


Narrator's pov;

-Oh Crowley... You wont see him anymore. - Micheal said as she blocked way to his bleeding friend.
-YOU MONSTERS! YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO BE GOOD! - Crowley snapped at her, he felt useless, they couldnt do anything to help Aziraphale.
-And you never will. - She responded. In that moment Aziraphale fell. Crowley screamed at them, they just saw his friend falling, they always wanted to avoid this, but now his throat hurted as hell from screaming. Everything went black.

He jumped up from laying. They grabbed their phone and called number named "Angel". "Pick up, pick up please..." he thought with tears starting to build up in his eyes.
-Angel! Are you alright? - Crowley quaked.
-Yes Im fine, Crowley what happend? Why are you calling this late? - The angel asked.
-Uh, no its nothing, sorry for calling this late. - and they hanged up. He felt his hands trembling and tears falling down his cheek. He felt the phone vibrate, Aziraphale was calling again. Crowley clicked "reject" but he kept calling. "Stupid angel, you and your angelic nature" they thought, hiding his face in his knees. They looked at the phone again, one new message popped up, they checked it.

Angel: Crowley, what happend? Are you okay?

Crowley: please stop calling

And he turned off his phone. Sobbed quietly until a soft knock was heard. He got up, got his glasses as went to see who it was through the viewfinder. Aziraphale stood behind the door, dressed in a beige sweater and gray loose pants.
-Crowley? - He muttered.
-I know youre behind the door, please open. He added.
-Angel, this is not the best time to visit. - They mumbled.
-I will not leave until you tell me whats wrong, I can heard you voice is shaky.
-Angel, please.
-Anthony J. Crowley, open the door.
-JUST LEAVE! - They snapped, and as soon as they realized what they did they regretted it.

-Uh, angel Im sorry I didnt mean to shout at you... - He looked through the viewfinder to see that his friend is gone.
-Aziraphale? - They murmured.
-Im here, dont worry I forgive you. - He was sitting on the floor, his back leaning againts door. A silence flood over the hallway and Crowley's flat. A quick *click* was heard and Aziraphale got up. The Door swung open, Crowley leaning on door frame, shirt-less with a grey almost black plaid pants and his glasses. Even with glasses Aziraphale could see the tear trails on his cheeks.
-Oh dear... - he raised his hand and wiped a tear from Crowley's cheek.
-Come. - They said and they entered the apartment, Crowley closing the door. Crowley led his angel to his bedroom, the two entities sat down on a bed.
-Would you tell me now whats bothering you? And take these off, you dont need them with me. - He took off their glasses to see puffy, red acid yellow eyes. Crowley then began to tell his nightmare, every detail he said.
-Dear boy, dont worry, Im safe. - Aziraphale comforted his friend, he took their hand and started rubbing circles on the top of it.
-If you want I can stay for this night with you. - He offered. Crowley nodded and a book appeared in angels hands. Crowley buried himself in blankets and a duvet and Aziraphale sat down. They turned over to face Aziraphale and moved closer slowly. Crowley's head ended up on Aziraphale's thigh.
-Sleep well dear. - Aziraphale said and Crowley drifted off to sleep.


QNA: Whats your favorite food?

From author: Omg my eyes are starting to get so blurry help Im going blind 😭😭😭

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