Angel Kisses

452 15 3

Context: Aziraphale discovers something interesting....

TW: None.
Ship: Aziraphale x Crowley


Narrator's pov;

It was a calm sunday evening. Crowley was laying on their bed in the South Downs Cottage, Zira's and their home. They were just laying, not sleeping, just "resting their eyes". He heard a soft sound of opening door and then someone sat down next to them on the bed.
-Youre sleeping? - Azira whispered. Crowley opened his eyes and smiled. Aziraphale leaned and placed a kiss on Crowley's forehead. When he pulled back he saw a dot, a freckle.
-Dear, I think I discovered something... - Angel said.
-What is it? - they replied but then Azira placed another kiss on his cheek. Another freckle. Aziraphale's face lit up.
-What? Whats happening? - They said and then Aziraphale showered him with kisses, mainly on his face and neck, Crowley was giggling like a little child when he did that.

When Aziraphale left the bedroom Crowley got up and went to their bathroom. He looked in the mirror and saw his face in tons of freckles. He was stunned but then blushed a dark shade of red.
-Stupid Angel... Youre gonna drive me crazy one of these days...



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