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Context: Crowley and Aziraphale have plans in the park, Crowley is happy to pick up his angel but Aziraphale is bothered by something. (This happens somewhere between season 1 and 2 because I don't have the strength to write the events during season 2)

TW: none
Ship: Aziraphale x Crowley


Narrator's pov;

Crowley parked next to Aziraphale's bookshop. He was in a good mood, because they were going to meet their angel. He waited a few minutes and Aziraphale finally sat in the car. From the moment he walked in, Crowley could sense that something was wrong, Aziraphale's red puffy eyes and dried tear marks only held it together.

Crowley thought for a moment before speaking.
-Hi, angel, is everything okay? - They finally asked and started the engine of the bentley. Aziraphale was quiet for few seconds.
-Im fine. -  he wishpered. Crowley knew he was lying, they knew him for Bloody 6,000 years!
-Are you sure? - they asked, trying to concentrate on driving the car. Silence.
-Angel? Are you okay? - He reapeted. He truned his glance at his friend (*cough* *cough* crush *cough*). Silence again.

Crowley decided he had to act and turned onto the street leading to his apartment. He had a plan to comfort his companion.
-where are we going? The park is in the other direction. - Aziraphale asked in a quiet, shaky voice.
-You're obviously sad, so we're going to my place, we're going to watch a movie and talk, if you want, about what's bothering you. - Crowley explaind with a warm grin on his face that was only Reserved for his Angel.
-Oh... - Aziraphale sighned (with a bit of relief).

-At Crowley's place-

Crowley opened his door and
invited Aziraphale to the living room, they went for blankets, pillows, some stuffed animals (Yes Crowley owns few stuffed animals) and cocoa (it was a cold December afternoon), Crowley like Aziraphale, liked cocoa but was ashamed to admit it. When they returned, Aziraphale was sitting uncomfortably on the couch, still in his coat. Crowley put down the accesories on a armchair and sat down next to his Angel.
-Angel, you can take off your coat, I need you to be comfortable. - He said with a bit of worry in his tone. Aziraphale took off his coat and  placed It on the armrest of the couch. Crowley got again the blankets and they rest, passed half to Aziraphale and half to himself. 

Crowley was sitting on the left end of the couch, sitting cross-legged but leaning on his side towards the armrest, Aziraphale, on the other hand, finally relaxed a bit and sat in the corner of the couch with his knees against his chest, both wrapped in blankets (accompanied by pillows and stuffed animals of course).
-So, are finally gonna tell me whats wrong? - Crowley broke the comfortable silence.
-I dont Want to talk about it. - Aziraphale replied looking at the floor.
-You sure? - They asked. The Angel answered with a hum.
-So what do you want to watch? - they asked again.
-You can pick if you want.
-Hm, Wizard of Oz?
-That sounds fantastic. - Aziraphale summed up.

Over time as they watched the movie they moved closer to each other. Crowley suddenly heard a light and quiet snoring. Aziraphale's head fell on Crowley's shoulder, they didn't protest at all.
-Stupid Angel, why don't you tell me what happened? - They whispered softly and pulled him closer (Aziraphale was warm).

When Crowley woke up he saw Aziraphale's head on his chest, in a deep sleep. They thought no matter what happened, it must have exhausted his angel physically as well as mentally since Aziraphale was usually a light sleeper.


From author: I think we all needed some angst with comfort after season 2 so here I come with a rescue (I want these little tragic gay men to be happy)

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