High school AU part 2

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(BTW you can imagine them in whatever clothes you want, I dont have exactly in mind how they are dressed but sometimes I will give hints what they're wearing)

Context: Aziraphale and Crowley are planning their biology project.

TW: Bulimia, self-harm, Blood, anorexia
Ship: Aziraphale and Crowley


Narrator's pov;

It was lunch time, Crowley going to the caffeteria just for something to snack, they werent hungry. They went to the vending machines and got some chips. They sat down and felt burning On his thighs. Did the bandages rolled off? He quickly stood up, leaving the chips on the table and runned to the bathroom, locking themselfs in one of the stalls. He rolled up his pants to above knee, where the cuts were and saw blood leeking through the white fabric of bangades.
-fuckfuckfuckfuck. - He hissed. And looked around the small bathroom stall, the only thing that came to his mind was to use the toilet paper as another layer. To their surprise it worked so he rolled back his pants and get out of the said stall.

Aziraphale loved and hated lunch hours at the same time. He loved that the halls were mainly empty and no one would scream, laugh or other loud things. He hated them because of the smell of food hanging everywhere in the air. Everytime at the lunch hours He felt sick to his stomach. He was jealous of the people that could eat as much as they wanted and not get fat. Since He was a kid He was maked fun of his weight. He was ashamed of asking for a diet, he just ate and then vomited. It started about few Months ago, he just saw it in the internet as a good weight loss method. It worked a bit, but he noticed that his teeth became more yellow and they bleed because of the acid, he needed to change the method, maybe just not eating? It was a good idea he thought, maybe it will be faster. He thought and sat down in the library, remembering that he needed to plan out how he is going to make the project with that red-haired boy from his class. Fortunetly he got his number earlier that day as only 2 classes left. He got out his phone from his bag.

Crowley (biology project)

Aziraphale: Can you come to the library?

Crowley: Sure, now?

Aziraphale: Yes

He waited when a loud thud came behind him. He turned round to see the red-haired guy laying on the floor, face down, he probably tripped on the threshold. He quickly got up, leaving his bag on the hair and kneeled next to them.
-Youre okay? - He said helping Crowley get up.
-Yeah, Im fantastic, stupid fucking threshold. - He murmured and they sat down.
-So, where are we going to make that Bloody project? - Crowley asked getting his phone out of his pocket.
-Uh, maybe at your place? - Aziraphale asked looking up from his History book.
-Why not at yours? - They said.
-I rather really not to.
-Alright, we can make it at my place, when?
-Hmm, maybe tommorow after school?
-Okay, Im gonna send you my adress-
-Cant I go just with you? I think we have the same last lesson tommorow.
-Yeah, Okay, we can do that.




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