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Context: Beelzebub and Gabriel discuss some important matters regarding Heaven and Hell. While they are talking, a shootout begins in the place where they are. Some person has a knife and as he runs past Gabriel, that person cuts his back quite deep and wide. Beelzebub decides to help the archangel.

TW: Blood
Ship: Beelzebub x Gabriel


Beelzebub's pov;

Me and Gabriel talked about some paper work, boring stuff that we both need to do. We were standing in front of some café when I heard gun shoot and people screaming. I looked around us but nothing was there, Gabriel looked around too.
-What was that? - He asked turning his gaze at me.
-Dunno. - I shrugged. I saw some people running down the street. One person as they runned past Gabriel slashed Gabriel's back, at the time I didnt knew how deep or whide, I just heard Gabriel hissing in pain. He slightly lost his balance and he leaned on a wall of the café.
-Woah, you okay? - I asked and looked at him, he looked pale. I walked behind him to look at the wound, the Blood was dripping from his white coat, it was wide, I knew that his wings were probably slashed too, even though they were hidden.
-Oh fuck. - I hissed imagining how must that shit must hurt.
-I'll just go back to Heaven, you can go. - He murmured and slowly tried to walk away when he again lost his balance and nearly fell, fortunetly I runned to him and catched him.
-No youre not going anywhere. - I insisted and miracled us into my apartament in London, I owned one for when I stayed on earth. I sat him down on my bed.

Gabriel's pov;

I dont remember much before I woke up at Beelzebub's flat. I sligtly opened my eyes. I was laying on my stomach, my wings werent hiden, they had bandages on them, I didnt had a shirt on so my back was also in bandages. I tried to get up when I heard Beelzebub's voice coming from the other side of the bed.
-Dont get up! - They said, they were sitting cross-legged towards me, it looked like they were waiting for me to wake up. As they said I did, I layed back down but now with my face towards Beelzebub.
-What happend? - I asked.
-Well some freak slashed your back. - They replied. I let out a hum in response. Then the pain hit me. I quietly whinced in pain hiding my face in a pillow.
-What? Whats happening? - They asked. They are worrying about me? No way. Beelzebub sees me only as an enemy, right? But do I see them as an enemy?
-Just my wings. - I replied looking back to them. They sat closer to me.
-Could you spread your wings for a moment? I need to see something. - They said so I did. Their fingers touched one of my wounds and it stung so I hissed quietly.
-Shit, sorry. - Beelzebub apologized and looked at the bandage. They said that it didnt needed to be replaced so they sat down next to me, I dont exactly know what happend next but I guess we both fell asleep.

Beelzebub's pov;

I woke up in the middle of the night. I felt something clinging to my side so I looked at it. It was Gabriel. He was hugging my waist while he was laying on his side. I felt heat rushing to my cheeks, he looked like he wasnt in pain anymore, just peacefull sleeping archangel Gabriel. I thought for a moment then I just layed down, went back to sleep, enjoying every minute with him, he didnt even knew how much I worried when he didnt wake up for something that felt like hours (It was just half an hour).

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