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Context: Crowley somehow angered the ducks so the ducks attacked him, the only right thing to do was go to Aziraphale (He couldn't miracle away them because he used up a bit too much of them)

TW: None, just pure fluffiness
Ship: Aziraphale x Crowley


Crowley's pov;

I was walking down the street to Aziraphale's bookshop, lets say the ducks attacked me without a reason. I had scratches almost everywhere, legs, arms, face and even on my chest! And it hurt like hell, they didnt bleed and they werent deep, they were like light cat scratches: STINGING. I groaned as I pushed bookshop's door open.

Aziraphale was just putting some book away so he turned to face me.
-Crowley, what happend to you? - He asked and walked closer to me.
-Ducks, lets not talk about how it happend. - I insisted. He looked at my arms.
-Does it hurt? -  He asked with visibly worry in his tone, he was worrying about me? Im a demon, why would someone as Aziraphale worry about me?
-To be honest? When Im moving it Stings as fuck. - I admited.
-Do you want to rest? It really must hurt. - He asked while walking towards a shelf with some other books on it.
-I would love that. - I replied and tried to walk towards the couch but after a while of standing, my thight clothes started to rub my wounds and it hurted even more, I slightly whinced in pain as Aziraphale turned his gaze at me.
-Maybe miracle yourself some loose clothes? - He suggested, I knew I used a lot of miracles this week but one more time wont kill me. I miracled some loose pajama pants and a t-shirt (ofc everything black) on me and it was so much better so I sighned in relief, Angel must heard this because he smiled.

I layed down on the couch, putting my glasses away on the Coffee table. I closed my eyes, trying to sleep but of course I couldnt sleep in that moment! I let out a annoyed huff and turned my head to see Aziraphale who was moving around some books from the floor to the shelfs. He looked at me with a "Whats wrong, dear?" gaze.
-I cant sleep, Im not comfortable enoughhhh. - I sighned.
-Do you want a blanket? Or something? - He asked putting away a stack of books back of the floor. I thinked for a moment.
-yeah, blanket... - I replied and quietly murmured "And you could sit with me...". He went upstairs where he had his wardrobe, he must heard the last part because when he came back he took a book and sat down next to me, I curled up the blanket on me and tried to get somehow comfortable. After a while I placed my head on Angel's lap, I was laying on my stomach because it hurt less that way. I felt my heart starting to race with fear and love, I was scared of what will Aziraphale do.

I calmed down when Aziraphale started to brush my hair with his fingers, that was a sign for me that I could get more comfortable so I placed my right arm further on his lap (It was more comfortable this way) and closed my eyes and started to drifft off to sleep, the last thing I heard was "Good night, my little demon" from Aziraphale.


I hoped you liked it :)

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