You idiot....

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Context: Aziraphale returns to earth (events after S2E6)

TW: Swearing (angst with fluffy bits at the end)
Ship: Aziraphale x Crowley


Narrator's pov;

Its been a month since Aziraphale left for heaven, Crowley been misrable ever since. They constantly drived to the empty bookshop with hope that they will see the Angel inside reading a book and drinking cocoa, like nothing happend.

This time was diffrent.

Crowley raced to the bookshop as fast as he could, hoping he might run into a wall or railing, but that never happened. Ever since Aziraphale left, Crowley felt some emptiness in his heart, maybe because he couldn't sense where and what the Angel's mood was, but a moment ago he could have sworn that he felt something, something like some ethereal entity coming to earth. True, it could be Muriel, but Crowley still had hope. They parked the Bentley in the exact same spot as always, when they walked across the street he saw a blond hair sticking out from behind a bookshelf. They felt his heart sink, "no, this is not real... Is it?" He thought as he stood in front of the door. He had hope that its Aziraphale but the only thing that they wanted to do In that exact moment is lay down and cry (They didnt do if because it wasnt "demon-like"). They slowly opened the door and walked in. Looking at one perticular place, Aziraphale's desk.

He heard a rustling and a familiar face appeard in front of him (of course with a distanse) they felt their throat aching. He couldnt believe it, Aziraphale is back.
They stared at each other in shock for a moment, then Aziraphale spoke.
-Crowley... - He murmured as he looked at the demon with a guilty face.
-Im so sorry Crowley! I was wrong about heaven, Im so so sorry, please forgive me... - his eyes started to water and he wiped a tear that escaped. Crowley stared at him with hurted expression. Could he forgive him? They stayed in a silence constantly broke by a sob from Aziraphale.
-Crowley, please say something... - He cried. The demon took off his glassed.
-You're a fucking idiot. - Crowley spoke.
-Im sorry! Please Crowley... - The sobs were more heard. A tear fell down Crowley face.
-You left me here, choosed heaven over me and now youre apologizing? After a month? - they said turning his gaze from his shoes to the person standing in front of him.
-Crowley, I-!
-You know how much I thought about drinking holy water?! - He snapped, Aziraphale flinched at the sudden tone.
-You're a fucking bastard! - They yelled. Aziraphale was rubbing his eyes from the tears that fell.
-I fucking wish I never met you. - they added and instantly regreted it, they didnt regreted meeting Aziraphale, he's just angry at him but they still love him, by all his heart, he needs to fix this.

He looked again at the Angel who now cried hard, his breath hitching and quiet sobs escaping his lips.
-Im sorry. - they blurted out walking a little closer to the Angel.
-N-no! You ha-have every right to be ma-mad at me! - Aziraphale cried.
-I never regreted meeting you, Im sorry I said that, I didnt thought straight. - they placed their hand on Aziraphale's cheek and gently wiped away the tears.
-I understand that you wanted to make heaven better place, you tried, Im sorry I shouldnt snap at you like that. - They apologized. Aziraphale calmed down a little, he looked into the serpent's acid yellow eyes.
-I love you Crowley, Im sorry I didnt told you this after the kiss, I was just shocked and scared, scared of what will other think about us, but now I dont care, I love you Crowley, I always did, Im sorry I didnt saw it earlier. - He said a pulled the demon into a kiss. Crowley placed his hands on the shorter's man waist and pulled him closer. They broke apart after what felt like hours (It was just few minutes).
-I forgive you Aziraphale. Everyone makes mistakes, I could told you that I love you in words not pulling you without your permission so I'll do it now. Aziraphale I love you, I love you more than everything, more that stars, more than this stupid world. I loved you from the Eden but I was too scared to tell you. That day i was lost myself in your beautiful blue eyes. I want to spend eternity with you by my side. - They admitted.
-Oh, Crowley... - he pulled him into another kiss, this time with a promise that they'll never be apart again.


Okay so thats it, they live happy ever after !!! 🥰🥰🥰🥰

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