Life doesnt play fair...

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Im sorry what youre about to read.

Context: Muriel looks after Aziraphale's bookshop after he has gone to heaven. Crowley arrives one morning with a not-so-good plan to ease his grief...

TW: Suicide
Ship: None

Song inspiration: Nintendo 64 Alex G


Muriel's pov;

Since Aziraphale Im taking care of his bookshop. Its cool place with fun vibe and I enjoy being there! Crowley sometimes comes here and we talk a bit. He's really sad about Aziraphale leaving... I hope he will get over It soon, its sad to see him like that. He is usually laying to the couch or looking at the books.


I've been taking lots of drugs cause they teach me not to care, yeah I guess this is how you cheat because life doesnt play fair.


I was cleaning the dust when Crowley walked in with fex boxes with plants and one small box inside the rest.
-Whats this? - I walked to him and looked at the boxes which they placed on the Coffee table.
-Im gonna visit a Church. - He replied staring at the window. I froze and looked at his face, he was tired.


My brother told me that he's gonna kill himself tonight.


Crowley got the small box and handed it to me.
-Bentley's Keys. - He explained, I slowly opened the box and saw shiny key. I felt something creeping into my chest. I looked at him with wide eyes. He pointed at the plants.
-Take care of them, dont let them have spots. - He said. I stared at him with shock.
-Take care of the bookshop too okay? - He said and looked at me with pleading eyes. I couldnt say a Word so I simply slowly nodded.


With a full bottle of prozac or a shiny kitchen knife.


He picked up a plant from the box, a letter was under the pot.
-If Aziraphale ever comes back give it to him. - He said and walked out, leaving me in shock.

I never saw him again after that.

I took care of his plants and Bentley. I promised  it to him. Aziraphale came into the bookshop.
-Muriel? - He asked while looking around. I smiled at him.
-Hello Aziraphale! - I said then remembered about the letter from Crowley, my heart twister.
-Do you know where's Crowley? I cant find him anywhere. - He replied. I looked at the letter on the shelf, I picked it up and handed it to Aziraphale.
-Im sorry. - I said and waited until he read it.


He said that when he's dead I can have his nintendo 64 and I could play it all night long sitting on the basement floor.


Dear Angel.

While you are gone I cant do anything, I feel pointless. Sometimes I talk with Muriel or Nina and Maggie but thats not the same. I cant live like this, I gave Bentley and my plants to Muriel, I know they're gonna take great care of them. Im going to go to a church, you know, holy water and stuff. Just remember that I love you.

Your demon

I saw a tear running down Aziraphale cheek. He placed his hand on his mouth as his breathing went faster. I heard a sob, then more.
-Im really sorry Aziraphale, I couldnt stop them. - I felt guilty. I could say something to stop him, but I didnt. A lot of tears runned his face, he was in histerical state. Had he a panic attack? I dont know.

I wish Aziraphale didnt leave.


Yeah, I said hurt/no comfort. I just felt that I need to write something angsty. Tbh I cried writing this.

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